Sunday, May 10, 2009

What are the Effects of Type 2 Diabetes

What are the effects of type 2 diabetes? In terms of damage to your body, exactly the same as type 1 diabetes. As your sugar levels remain elevated for any prolonged period, your body will suffer heavily. This list is in no way exhaustive but these are some of the main problems associated with type 2 diabetes.

  • Poor circulation, especially in the hands and feet, this leads to poor healing
    and ultimately in extreme cases gangrene and amputations

  • Damage to the eyes which can and does result in blindness

  • Cardiovascular damage resulting in heart problems and strokes

  • Kidney damage due to high levels of sugar

These are just a few of the more severe effects of type 2 diabetes but the list goes on and on. High blood sugar is like acid flowing through your system, destroying everything it comes in contact with. Not only that but the chances are, if you are type 2 diabetic or pre diabetic then your insulin levels will be elevated as well, in order to over compensate for poor insulin sensitivity from your bodys cells. High insulin levels can cause damage as well so it really is critical that if you are in any doubt about your current state of health, you get your sugar levels checked out by a professional.

There is a reason why the human body evolved with a blood sugar control system. Nature must have known in advance, just how damaging high blood sugar can be.

The effects of type 2 diabetes are slow and silent, you can have raised blood sugar levels for years and not even know it.


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