Monday, August 31, 2009

How Diet Helps Control Diabetes

Diabetes is a universal disease. It affects people from all walks of life and culture. Every day, a huge number of diabetic people are dealing with severe problems related to their condition. One thing diabetes is not a disease that is easy to control with diet. Diabetics need to stick to a strict diet in order to avoid experiencing severe complications.

If you are diabetic, your doctor would have already advised you of the importance of following a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet to manage your condition. The normal food pyramid diet does not apply to you since it involves consuming foods like rice, corn, pasta, breads, peas and potatoes, which are all high in carbohydrate. You are recommended to limit your intake of carbohydrate because your body converts these into sugar, something that your body already does not need more of. Instead, your doctor will advise you to eat foods with a low glycemic index as well as foods that are rich in protein (e.g., chicken, beef and fish). Fatty and sweet foods are also things you need to avoid. And if you like to drink, you will need to avoid alcohol.

Many people who have diabetes are turning into vegans. A large number of diabetics are enjoying the benefits of following a vegan diabetes diet. Simply put, the vegan diabetes diet is completely based on plants; it does not have any animal fats. A typical vegan diabetes diet consists of vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes.

The vegan diabetes diet is comprised of 75% carbohydrate, 15% protein and 10% fat. Since this diet is completely without animal fats, an individual is able to lose fats rather quickly and more easily.

The vegan diabetes diet has been studied by health experts and scientists. According to one study, it was found that diabetics who followed a vegan diabetes diet experienced less complications from their condition. The study further showed that those who follow a vegan diabetes diet plan appears to be able to better control their blood sugar levels, weight and kidney function.

The vegan diabetes diet works by normalizing an individual's sensitivity to insulin. Through the vegan diabetes diet, diabetics are on a high-fiber, low-fat diet. This translates to lower dietary energy concentration intake. Many who follow a vegan diabetes diet report a loss of 20 to 50 pounds.

If you decide to get on a vegan diabetes diet, you will discover that it is a diet that is very easy to follow. You won't be counting calories or measuring portions either. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of you getting on a vegan diabetes diet.

Reference: Evelyn Dayag,

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fighting Diabetes With the Right Diet

Jack L Bloom

Diabetes is another health concern where diet plays a very important role. The treatment program for diabetes strictly includes the intake of foods belonging to the food pyramid. As a general rule, patients with diabetes are required to pay attention on their carbohydrate intake. They should watch their weight very closely so as not to be underweight or overweight. Diabetes is a condition wherein the body can't process glucose or blood sugar properly. That or the body can't produce the necessary amount it needs for its daily activities. It is therefore important for a person with diabetes to keep his or her blood sugar level stable.

Although diabetes has been medically determined as having no "cure" and being practically irreversible, a healthy diet for diabetes can go a long way in managing the disease and improving the diabetic's lifestyle. In fact, good nutrition and diet together with regular exercise (whether light or moderate) and weight management are crucial to preventing the serious complications of this ailment and giving the diabetic a longer lease on life. A recent study shows that a fiber-rich, low-fat plant-based diet, also called a vegan diet, combined with moderate exercises can so dramatically control blood glucose to almost normal levels.

A diabetic diet requires a well-balanced, healthy diet. The food pyramid as created by the American Diabetic Association is a good guide for diabetic patients. Here are good meal suggestions for people with diabetes:

Breakfast and Snacks Meal Suggestions

Cooked starchy vegetables like beans and potato
Non-fat milk

Starchy vegetables, cereals, and breads are good sources of starch. Regardless of what others may think, diabetic experts encourage patients to eat starchy foods in the right amounts. This is required by the body, especially for diabetic patients whose bodies can't produce the necessary amount of blood sugar that it needs for fuel.

Milk is a good source of protein. A good diabetic diet accounts for around 15-20% protein intake. However, never exceed the 20% limit as doing so may cause complications like renal diseases. Roasted nuts are good sources of protein as well.

Lunch and Dinner Meal Suggestions

Beef Broccoli
Chicken salad
Vegetable medley
Fruits for desert
Brown rice

Vegetables are vital to any healthy diet. This food group is always a necessary, regardless if you're diabetic or not. Vegetables are sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that can help metabolize glucose. Aside from that, the fiber found in vegetables may also help slow down the absorption of glucose from the intestines.

Lean meat is a must for people with diabetes. This means that there should be no traces of fat included in your meals. They should be removed prior to food preparation. The skin of the chicken should be disposed of and the traces of animal fats should be taken out. Diabetic patients are prone to developing thicker blood so added cholesterol in your food is not going to help your heart.

Consumption of sweets and sugar foods should be reduced, if you can't take it out of your diet completely. There are different types of sugar. Some of them are beneficial, while others are not. To be sure, don't eat processed sweets like cakes, pastries, chocolates, and candies. Stick to naturally sweet foods like honey, fruits, and fresh juices.

Reference:Jack L Bloom, Diet for Diabetes

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Importance Of A Healthy Diabetes Diet

When a person is first diagnosed with diabetes, diet becomes an important part of their lives. This is why many diabetics visit with a dietician when they get diagnosed with diabetes. Even though medications and insulin are available, diet is still an important thing to pay attention to as a diabetic.

For those with diabetes, diet needs to be carefully worked out and sometimes changed completely from the diet the individual had before they were diagnosed with the disease. The biggest thing to avoid is refined sugar, such as is seen in things like sweets, donuts, chocolate and cookies. Refined sugar triggers the release of insulin and results in the highest blood sugars when eaten and is not recommended for diabetics.

The diabetes diet should contain several small meals during the course of the day. This levels out the blood sugar levels and is the healthiest way for diabetics to keep stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. None of the meals should be very large or should have lots of refined sugar in them.

Protein should be a large part of the diabetes diet. Protein can be in the form of meat, beans or peanut butter. Protein doesn’t trigger blood sugar increases very much and should be part of several of the small meals a diabetic eats every day. If the diabetic chooses meats, low fat cuts of meat should be chosen.

Diabetes diets should also take into account issues around fats and triglycerides. Diabetics have higher than average triglyceride counts so a low fat diet would benefit the diabetic. Fats can be found in things like butter, in processed foods and in some baked goods. Eating a low fat diet may also affect the diabetic’s weight. Weight loss can really improve the health of any diabetic.

Complex carbohydrates are perfectly acceptable in the diabetes diet. Complex carbohydrates involve things like rice, flour, barley and other grains. These types of carbohydrates are processed more slowly than are refined sugars. They place less stress on the pancreas when it comes to releasing insulin.

Fruits and fresh vegetables should be on every good diabetes diet. These tend to be lower in calories, fat free and made from complex carbohydrates. Fruits contain the sugar, fructose, which is easier on the body and doesn’t trigger the release of insulin as much as does glucose and sucrose, or table sugar.

When a diabetic first begins a diabetes diet, they should write down everything they eat and should check their blood sugars before and after meals. This gives the new diabetic the chance to see how different aspects of their diet can affect the blood sugar levels. Writing everything down doesn’t have to be a regular thing but is good in the beginning or whenever the treatment changes.

Diet-controlled, oral medication and insulin-dependent diabetics should all follow the diabetes diet. While the diet isn’t intended to have anyone lose weight, any weight loss on the diabetic diet will improve the ultimate outcome of the diabetic. In some cases, losses of large amounts of weight results in needing lesser amounts of medication or possibly in needing no medication at all.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Key Tips About A Diet For Diabetes

Annie Beal

Diabetes is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease. More and more people are being diagnosed with diabetes and need to learn a proper diet for diabetes to keep their disease under control. Following the right diet is essential to prevent serious complications.

A diet for diabetes focuses on maintaining a proper intake of foods with a special concentration on the amount of carbohydrates consumed. The reason for the focus on carbohydrates is that carbohydrates make your blood glucose levels go up.

In someone with diabetes, controlling blood glucose levels is the main goal. A site with useful information for diabetics is:

Most often a doctor will give a patient a diet for diabetes to follow based upon their particular type of diabetes and glucose level. There is a general diet, that usually is fine as a starting point for diabetic patients.

This diet is also recommended for people who may be at risk for developing diabetes. It can help prevent or slow down the onset ofdisease.

In general, a diet for diabetes mainly involves portion control and eating from all the food groups. It also focuses on limiting sweets and fats.

It also stresses that you should eat meals and snacks around the same time each day. Doing so helps your body to keep your blood glucose levels stable.

A good diet for diabetes consists of breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks daily. The food pyramid guidelines should be followed.

This includes: 3-5 servings of vegetables, 6-11 servings of grains, 2-4 servings of fruit, 2-3 servings of meat and 2-3 servings of dairy. It is important to remember to keep fats and sugars down.

Eating lean meats and low fat dairy will help. The servings from each food group ought to be spread out throughout the day. And, it is best to not eat too many carbohydrates at one time.

The best advice a person can get when planning a diet for diabetes is to pay attention to your body. A diabetic will be able to tell when they are not eating correctly.

Because their body will give them signs, like tiredness or excitability. If a diabetic begins to feel bad, they can adjust their diet.

Most often your body will give you clues to let you know you should eat something or something you ate was not good. Being aware is just as important as the diet itself.

While there is no one diet for diabetes, these general guidelines should be followed. Some people are capable of designing their own diet, while others may need extra help from your doctor.

The entire idea of a diet for diabetes is to prevent spikes or dips in blood glucose levels. By keeping your diet under control you ought to be able to maintain good health.

By following a consistent diet and listening to your body, a diabetic can maintain their health without needing to be overly concerned by their diet. After a while following a diabetic diet becomes second nature and the person will no longer have to think much about what they are eating.

Reference: Annie Beal, Health Tips

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Following A Diabetes Diet Is Crucial

Insulin is a very important hormone which converts starchy foods and sugar into glucose, the type of sugar which is required for energy so that your body can function normally. The body stops to produce or use the insulin in the body when you have diabetes, so if you are a diabetic, a careful and strict diet has to be followed. Diabetes is a lifelong problem which has to be dealt with. It is not curable. You have to follow a routine of proper medications and a planned diabetes diet to keep the disease under control and to maintain your health.

Know About Diabetes

It is important that you know thoroughly about the disease and also about the condition of your body. Each one of us has a unique body and although there are many other people with the same disease, it is not necessarily so that what works for them, will also work for you. So you have to consult a doctor to learn about the type of diabetes you have and the issues that may occur when treating yourself for diabetes. It is very important that you follow the correct diabetes diet for you.

Get your blood sugar level tested from time to time, irrespective of what type of diabetes you have. Purchase a pocket size apparatus to check the sugar level in your blood which you can use yourself when and where you want. Start learning how to use the device when you start to follow your diabetes diet. This will allow you to check your sugar level after every meal you eat.

All foods rich in starch or carbohydrates have to be avoided, as these foods are hard to convert into energy if you do not have the required amounts of insulin in your body. You should increase the intake of vegetables and fruits and avoid foods like potatoes, rice, pasta, etc. But there are also certain fruits which you have to avoid, as they can increase the blood sugar level.

It is not true that you have to stop eating a particular food altogether when you have diabetes. You just have to be careful to eat the right quantity.

Make Exercise a Part of Your Routine

The real cause of diabetes still remains unknown, but it is generally accepted that people who are overweight are more likely to suffer from diabetes. Hence, it is necessary that you be careful about what you eat and that you make exercise a part of your lifestyle. Those who are overweight have to be cautious and should try to lose weight. Following a proper diabetes diet is very important, not only for controlling your sugar levels, but also to keep the body fit.

Diabetes is an incurable disease, but if proper care is taken and provided you follow a diabetes diet, there is no reason why you cannot lead a normal and full life.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Diet For Diabetes

re you or anyone in your family a diabetic? Are you always worried about what you should be eating and how much? Well do not panic for you’re not alone. Millions of people across the planet are diabetic, and this number is increasing dramatically in the United States. This write up will cover every aspect of dieting as a diabetic. Please take your time and take some good notes. Feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions.

Once this health issue is established, the individual will typically need to diet for diabetes, or develop a new and improved eating routine that decreases any risks or complications. I have seen this issue up-close and in-person ever since my mother developed diabetes herself.

When thinking about your health, you should not take this issue very lightly. Many of us during our lifetime experience some sort of, disease, or minor health problems. When such things occur, it may be essential to adapt a new lifestyle or diet. One of the more common health issues that a number of Americans grapple with on a daily basis is diabetes. Another great site for information on women issues is This site is packed with great information.

I recall around five years back, my mother developed a mild case of diabetes. Her doctor told her it was most likely due to her diet and weight. Americans certainly need to work on this particular issue. The fact is that thin is healthy, whether people want to hear it or not. You don't have to be supermodel thin, but you need to maintain a healthy weight. Eating right is always a concern. Once you have acquired diabetes, you will need to diet for diabetes. This means less of things you may love.

Up to this point we covered how diabetes can affect your life. It may not be directly, but indirectly through a spouse or loved one. We discussed how your weight and exercise routine can drastically reduce your chances of becoming a diabetic. So if your proactive in your behavior you will reduce your chances of becoming a diabetic and then having to become reactive in your diet. It is hard to think this way, but being preventative now can save you many years of anguish.

I will not tell a lie, I wasn’t surprised at all when my mother called and she said she was diagnosed with diabetes. Growing up, I watched her live off of Cola and caffeine. Thinking to myself I said that can’t be healthy. Now it was time to diet for diabetes, and ditch all of those refined sugars. Over the past five years I have really seen her adapt to her dilemma and diet for diabetes in a healthy fashion. This truly increases your health and life span if you do it right.

Do you diet for diabetes, or maybe help your spouse do so? All of those rich foods like cake, soft drinks, ice cream, and cookies have to be monitored. My grandfather was afflicted with a more severe case of diabetes, and couldn't even drink milk or eat certain foods with excessive carbs. If you are new to the game and have just begun your diet for diabetes, you may want to check out the World-Wide-Web for some pointers and valuable information.

Diabetes is a serious health issue and should not be taken lightly. If diagnosed, you will need to diet for diabetes to live well and stay healthy. Cutting down on certain foods will be necessary for a risk-free life. Get help with your diet for diabetes by jumping online today. This is a wide spread issue and you're certainly not alone.

Did this write up help you get your questions answered about diabetic dieting? Just remember you don’t have to be overly paranoid if you’re a diabetic. Most of the time it is just using everyday common sense. There is no need for you to eat a ½ gallon of high sugar ice cream smothered in toppings! There are so many sugar free alternatives for you to select from. One of my good friends is diabetic, and he enjoyed himself a nice night out at the ball game the other night. So can you.

Reference: Health And Fitness

Monday, August 24, 2009

Diabetes And Your Diet

David McCarthy

If you are like me you probably thought diabetes is one of those things you have or don't have; nothing could be further from the truth because diabetes is now the biggest threat to health in the developed world and we are eating ourselves into it because of poor diet.

First question is how prevalent is diabetes?
Using Australia as an example that has a total population of around 20 million inhabitants, in the last full year official figures show 70,000 people were diagnosed with diabetes during the year. That is equal to one extra person diagnosed every seven minutes 24/7.

At present 700,000 people are diagnosed with having diabetes and a conservative figure indicate that for each person diagnosed there is another that is not diagnosed but does suffer from diabetes. that is 1.4 million sufferers out of a total population of 20 million. - More than 5% and growing by the day. The organization Diabetes Australia forecast that by the year 2010 the number of sufferers could be close to 10% of population. This rate of increase is happening throughout the developed world and is caused by lack of exercise and poor diet. We could be quite cruel here and say that people are queuing to shorten their lifespan because diabetes does reduce your lifespan.

The answer to this epidemic is in the hands of each of us. We must exercise more and be more conscious of what we eat. Attention to diet should start from a very young age; in particular we should concentrate on serving sizes and avoiding fatty foods. Yes that does include every child's favorite burger and fries. Once a month does little harm if the children are active, once a week causes damage even if they are active.

We all need to be conscious of seven servings of fruit and vegetables each day in our diet and also the need to back a good diet with reasonable exercise, like walking. People most at risk of type 2 diabetes, the most common, are overweight and do not exercise. They may have high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol, if you fit this category ask your doctor to check for diabetes next time you visit.

I saved the scariest fact for last: The total number of people in Australia with diabetes or "pre-diabetes" is 3.2 million or 15.1% of the total population. Each of these people will have a reduced lifespan.

Reference: David McCarthy,

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Diabetes Diet To Control Diabetes

Proper diet is very important for people suffering from diabetes. It is recommended that the diet of diabetes patient should be high in fiber and low in fat. Diabetes diet is not a special food that is packaged by a pharmaceutical company and can be purchased off the shelf. Neither is it a complicated dieting plan. It is just a healthy eating habit which emphasizes on fruits, vegetable and whole grains. Diabetes diet can also be practiced by healthy people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle.

History Of Diabetes Diet

During the early days before the discovery of insulin, doctors would recommend diabetes patient to consume a low-calorie diet. It is more to prevent ketoacidosis, which is caused by high concentrations of ketone bodies. This was due to the breakdown of amino acids and deamination of amino acids by our body. The low-calorie diet didn't actually cure diabetes but it did prolong the life of the patient quite a bit.

Establish A Good Eating Habit

You should establish a regular eating habit for your meals and snacks. As far as possible, avoid ad hoc eating habit because it is difficult to control what goes into your stomach. Always eat the healthiest food in the right amount. Excessive amounts are also not good for the body.

If you are taking diabetes medication or insulin, your eating habits will have to be stricter. Eat only the right amount of servings from each food group. You could talk to your doctor if you have difficulty with your diabetes diet. He will probably recommend a dietitian who can tailor your diabetes diet to your lifestyle.

Carbohydrates In Your Diabetes Diet

The American Diabetes Association recommends that carbohydrates should form 60% to 70% of the total caloric intake. This is somewhat controversial because some studies have suggested a low carbohydrate diet. It is best to work out your diabetes diet with your dietitian. Try to plan your diabetes diet to have the same amount of carbohydrate at each mealtime to maintain an ideal blood sugar level right through the day.

Exchange List In Diabetes Diet

The "exchange scheme" was introduced in the 1950 by the American Diabetes Association. The purpose or intent is to allow patients to swap or exchange food of the same caloric value with another of similar value. For example, you may eat more cake and reduce on the potatoes at dinner time. The exchange list is not so popular with current dietitians. They are more likely to introduce diabetes diet that includes a wide range of fruit, vegetables and one that has a high fibre content and low in sugar and saturated fat.


To minimize the risk of diabetes complication, we must practice a healthy eating habit. This is the most logical way to maintain an ideal blood sugar level. Your diabetes diet need not be bland and boring. You could include your favorite food by balancing it with other healthy nutritious items. Be creative at your meal plan and at the same time mindful of the effects it brings to your diabetes diet.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Diabetic Diet: A Guide To Plan A Diet To Control Diabetes

Diabetic is a serious disease where the patient can suffer from major problems if he or she does not take proper care about controlling and treating it as directed by the doctor.

According to medical experts, a diabetic diet plays the major role in order to control the blood sugar levels in the body. Since diabetes is a chronic disease, it does not have any permanent cure. However, with proper care and treatment, one can expect to live a long and happy life with this disease.

A diabetic diet may either be used alone or in conjunction with insulin doses or oral hypoglycemic drug. The main aim of this diet is to balance the ideal body weight. This is done by providing requisite nutrition in conjunction with normal blood sugar levels in blood.

A medical expert usually takes the patient’s height, weight, age, sex, nature of diabetes and physical activity in to consideration prior to planning a diet. It is also important to consider certain complications such as high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

After considering all these factors, a dietician will analyze the number of calories to be provided to the patient via planning the proteins, carbohydrates, type of carbohydrates fats and amount of fiber one should take.

A common diet plan usually prescribed to patient with diabetes is an exchange meal plan. It is a program that effectively balances the amount of carbohydrates you take in to your body on a daily basis. Glucose is a type of sugar that carbohydrate releases. Hence, if you desire to control blood sugar, you require to restrict the simple carbohydrate consumption.

Carbohydrate foods are prescribed according to value per portion, referred to as exchange. This diabetic diet plan is helpful in deciding that type of food to be taken, time to eat and the amount of food that should be eaten.

You can even plan for flexible diet programs as you increase your knowledge related to the type of food that will benefit you and the type of foods you should completely avoid.

A) Here are certain crucial factors to be considered when planning a diabetes diet:

a) You should take at least 40 grams of fiber each day.

b) Don’t eat the traditional three heavy meals.

c) Divide your meal in to small food servings.

d) Have a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables daily.

e) Don’t consume bakery products.

f) Go for whole cooked cereals.

g) Avoid eating anything two hours before bed time.

The major goals of a diabetes diet is to balance your blood glucose levels, maintain healthy lipid levels, maintain a healthy weight and avoiding certain complications such as diseases related to kidney, feet, heart and the eyes.

B) Avoid the following food items when planning a diabetes diet:

a) Starchy foods such as white bread, pasta and potatoes

b) Sugars such as table sugar, honey, fruits and sweets

c) Artificially sweetened juices

d) Fried and processed food

e) Reduce salt intake.

C) The essential ingredients of a diabetic diet include the following:

a) Carbohydrates

b) Proteins

c) Fibers

d) Saturated fats


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Treating Diabetes With A Healthy Diabetes Diet

Mark Fazoli

Diabetes is a disease that is well known for elevated sugar levels in the blood. These elevated sugar levels develop when an individual has abnormal metabolism. This abnormal metabolism may prevent the pancreas from making enough insulin to remove the sugar from the blood. Although diabetes is known as a life long disease, it is one that can be managed and treated overtime.

When it comes to seeking treatment for diabetes, a diagnosis will have to be made. This diagnosis most commonly comes from a professional healthcare worker. Although it is best that diabetes is diagnosed by a healthcare professional, you are still advised to be on the lookout for common diabetes symptoms. These symptoms may include fatigue, frequent urination, frequent fatigue, and nausea. In the event that you display any of these diabetes symptoms, you are urged to schedule an appointment with your primary care physician or another healthcare professional.

Once your primary care physician has been altered to the display of diabetes symptoms, it is likely that he or she will run a number of tests. These tests include a wide variety of different urine tests. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, it is likely that you will receive either a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, although it can develop at any age, is more common among children. Type 2 diabetes typically develops in adulthood; however, like type 1 diabetes, a diagnosis can occur at any stage in life. While type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are the most commonly diagnosed, there is another form of diabetes known as gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is form of diabetes that develops during only pregnancy.

As with many other health issues, diabetes has symptoms that can make it difficult to go about your daily activities. These symptoms, also mentioned above, commonly include frequent urination, frequent fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and a frequent feeling of thirst. These symptoms are why it is important that you seek medical assistance, when they first begin to display. This is especially important if you notice that your diabetes symptoms are making it difficult to go about your daily activities. This difficultly may not occur on a daily basis, but it important to make a note of all of the instances where it has. This may help your doctor to better develop a treatment plan.

Unfortunately, with diabetes, there is no cure. Although there is no cure, there are ways that your diabetes and be managed and treated. These treatment options typically are used to try and stabilize the sugar in your blood. This is often by done by changing your eating habits, developing an exercise plan, or with the injection of insulin. All of these treatment options are important and effective, but your diabetes diet is perhaps one of the things that you should be most concerned with.

When it comes to understanding a diabetes diet there are many individuals who focus solely on the foods that they eat. These foods are important and, in many cases, lifesaving or life threatening; however, there is more to a diabetes diet than just the food that you consume. The time in which you eat your meals may be just as important as the food you eat, especially if you have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Developing an effective diabetes diet plan, one that includes healthy foods and established eating times, is one of the best ways to treat and manage your diabetes.

If you have any questions or need assistance, when it comes to developing a diabetes diet, you are advised to seek professional help. That assistance may come from your primary care physician or a registered dietarian. Whatever type of assistance you seek, you should be provided with valuable diabetes diet information that should last be able to last you a lifetime.

Reference: diabetes.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Diabetes Care Begins With Apt Diabetes Diet!

Ashish Jain

Diabetes people are special people. They need a special diet.

Diet is one of the most important part of your diabetes treatment. Perhaps, more important than the medicine itself. For, if you take proper medicines but neglect the diet, the result would be counter-productive!

It is no exaggeration if you (being diabetic) are advised to take care. Maintain the desirable body weight. Shed it, if in excess. Maintain the level, if you are underweight. Always remember, your blood glucose level should be normal.

The disease diabetes has a team behind it. Blood vessel diseases and heart problems await in its wings. So always take necessary care.

You have to understand your body and health related matters in the proper perspective. You have the services of two doctors—yourself and your family doctor. Both of you have to live like good friends. You have to follow his advice and he will of course understand your difficulties.

A doctor and a dietitian become the permanent friends and advisers of a diabetic patient. You have to understood yourself in a better manner by trial and error methods.

In all the major cities there are Diabetes Associations, who conduct useful services such as conducting camps, holding seminars and discussions and arranging group meeting. They also publish bulletins containing useful and encouraging information.

What you eat is important. For a diabetes patient, how you eat what you eat is also important. Instead of eating one or two heavy meals, it is better to take small quantities of food, several times in a day.

You have perfect understanding of your system, it is okay. But your doctor knows it better. As for the diet, only follow his instructions. That is your role. Do not go by ideas. He knows the facts. Don't be in a hurry to lose weight, though it is very important. If you lose two pounds in a week, it is ideal. Don't be panicky about the weight loss subject.

Fruits, seasonal vegetables help you a lot. Oily stuff needs to be avoided at all costs. Much more fiber must go into your system.

There may not be a permanent cure for the diabetes—but the permanent care can not be avoided. Unfortunately, you have the stamp of diabetes on you! So, take care.


Monday, August 17, 2009

What Should Be Included In A Gestational Diabetes Diet?

Chonticha Marijne

A nutritional diet is very important for any expecting mother, but especially if she also has gestational diabetes. A well-maintained diet can keep her blood sugar levels under control, not only for her own benefit but also for the health of the unborn baby. The expectant mother should keep count of the calories she consumes each day and she should be very careful about what she eats. All sugary products should be avoided and any other product that can trigger the increase of her blood sugar level. It is recommended that you seek the advice of a trained dietician and then plan the gestational diabetes diet plan with their assistance.

The gestational diabetes diet plan should be made keeping in mind the fact that only nutritional food has to be taken and anything that can increase the blood sugar level has to be avoided. This is very important for the mother as well as the baby. After the first trimester, the calorie intake should also be increased by 300 calories, which means that the mother has to take at least 2100 calories a day from the fourteenth week of her pregnancy until her baby is born.

Vitamins and minerals have to be taken without fail during the pregnancy. All dairy products that are low in fat can be taken. Foods like whole grain cereals and breads, lots of fruits and vegetables have to be included in the gestational diabetes diet plan. One can also take prenatal vitamins, which have to be taken at night before sleeping or in the morning on an empty stomach. That way iron is absorbed better. But keep in mind that these prenatal vitamins are not as beneficial as vitamins that you get from natural sources.

What Foods to Avoid?

All foods containing high amounts of sugar have to be avoided during pregnancy, as the blood sugar levels will increase. Foods like cakes, cookies, ice creams, candies, soft drinks, pies, commercial fruit yogurt, jams and jelly could be very harmful if you are on a gestational diabetes diet. One fruit juice can be taken with a meal - about 6 ounces but not more than that, as large amount of sugar is present in fruit juices. Tomato juice is best as it contains the lowest amount of sugar.

Any foods that contain complex carbohydrates are good are must be included in the gestational diabetes diet. Foods like vegetables, cereal, grains, beans, peas and other starchy foods help to decrease the amount of insulin required by the body. Thus the blood sugar levels can be maintained and controlled. Foods like whole grain cereals and breads, fruits, vegetables and legumes have high dietary fiber and should be taken to boost the digestive process. Fat is also very important to absorb vitamins in the diet, but take care to make use of low fat foods.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

What Exactly Is This “Gestational Diabetes”?

Ashish Jain

Gestational diabetes is a temporary condition that occurs during pregnancy. It is one of the top health complications that a woman has to face during pregnancy. Indeed a double curse!

If the woman had gestational diabetes during pregnancy then she is most likely to pass it on to the child. So, if a woman has gestational diabetes during pregnancy, there is an increased risk of developing diabetes for both mother and child. Timely knowledge about this condition, goes to control it effectively by diet and exercise. After the baby is born, the mother and the child both recoup their original health.

One problem gives room for a series of problems. The major risk is the birth of a fat baby. The condition is known as macrosomia. The baby by birth will have its own problems, the common one being damage to its shoulders during birth.

Some basic precautions have to be taken to prevent the risk of gestational diabetes. It is taking recourse to natural methods again! Make it a point to lose weight, if you are overweight. Be careful and choosy about your food, and above all, do exercises regularly. This type of diabetes is a temporary condition, a passing phase, that occurs during pregnancy.

There is another risk for the baby. It may develop breathing problems.

The exact causes of the gestational diabetes are not known yet. But there are certain clues and possibilities, why gestational diabetes occurs! It is insulin resistance.

The baby, as it grows, is supported by the placenta. Hormones help the baby develop. But the hormones also do a damaging act. They block the action of the mother’s insulin in her body. The mother’s body finds it hard to use insulin, so her requirement of insulin goes up by 300 % and gestational diabetes is the result!

Utmost care is needed to combat gestational diabetes, as it concerns the health of the mother as well as that of the baby. Food choices are of paramount importance. This will have beneficial effects on the health of your baby’s growth. If you are fit and healthy, the risk of cesarean section birth can also be avoided.

In many cases, it has been found that gestational diabetes leads to type II diabetes later.

Do exercises regularly even during pregnancy, but only after consulting your doctor. This is the formative period for you as well as for the baby. Proper exercises provide strength to your body and act favorably for the growth of the baby within.

Shut the door on the face of the diabetes, even if it pleads that it is only gestation. This evil does not deserve mercy.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Common Knowledge About Gestational Diabetes

I did not become familiar with gestational diabetes until recently when my sister-in-law and my best friend were both diagnosed with it within a week. Many women I know, myself included, have made it through pregnancies without having any serious problems like gestational diabetes.

Basically, gestational diabetes is a disease that can come on during pregnancy but that usually disappears once the baby has been born. In some women, pregnancy results in their blood sugar levels getting out of balance. A pregnant woman might realize that she is having blood sugar problems on her own or it might take a doctor to determine that her levels are not normal. Regardless of how it is discovered, gestational diabetes is a serious issue that needs to be handled with caution and care throughout a woman's pregnancy and after.

When my sister-in-law and my closest friend were struggling with feeling abnormally up and down during their pregnancies, their doctor took blood tests and determined that their blood sugar levels were being affected by their pregnancies and their food choices. They were both diagnosed simply by having this blood work done. At first they were hesitant and scared because gestational diabetes sounded huge and they didn't know how relatively simple the treatment process could be.

Gestational diabetes, because it is primarily an imbalance of blood sugar, can often be regulated by changes in diet and levels of exercise. The amount of changes that are necessary are dependant upon how poor of habits the women have to begin with. My sister-in-law and my friend had to make different levels of changes to their diets, but neither had to make such significant changes that their lifestyle was radically altered. Mostly their changes consisted of going on a low-sugar and low-carb eating plan. Gestational diabetes brings a risk of the baby getting to large during its gestational period and needing to be delivered early or by c-section. The more the pregnant mother cuts down on sugar intake, the less likely it is that the baby will get too large to be delivered vaginally.

If you are pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant in the near future, take some time and learn about ways to prevent gestational diabetes. It is the best for you and your baby. Prevention is always a better option than having to find a solution to high blood sugar levels. Be wise with your food and exercise choices from the start and you should be able to avoid dealing with gestational diabetes in your pregnancies. Talk with your doctor and take every possible precaution.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gestational Diabetes

Andrew Palmer

Gestational diabetes is a temporary condition that occurs during pregnancy. Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before, but who have high blood sugar levels during pregnancy, are said to have gestational diabetes.
Gestational diabetes affects about 4% of all pregnancies, making it one of the top health concerns related to pregnancy.

What is the cause of gestational diabetes?
While no-one really knows the true cause, there are some contributing factors that might increase the risk of developing gestational diabetes. These factors include:
* Obesity in the woman
* A family history of diabetes
* Older maternal age (over the age of 30).
* Having had gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy.
* A previous delivery of a large (greater than 9 pounds) baby .

What are the risks of gestational diabetes?
High sugar levels in your blood can be unhealthy for both you and your baby.
If a woman had gestational diabetes during pregnancy, there is an increased risk of developing diabetes for both mother and child. Babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes have a greater change of developing diabetes, but there is also some other risks involved, such as macrosomia, or a "fat" baby. Babies with macrosomia face health problems of their own, including damage to their shoulders during birth, or a higher risk for breathing problems.

Treating gestational diabetes
In most cases, gestational diabetes is managed by diet and exercise, and goes away after the baby is born. But because gestational diabetes can hurt you and your baby, it is important to start treatment quickly. You should consult your doctor for special meal plans and scheduled physical activity.

There is no need to panic
While gestational diabetes is a cause for concern, the good news with the correct diet and exercise, you can keep your blood glucose levels under control, and give a healthy start for your baby.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gestational Diabetes & Malnutrition Related Diabetes Mellitus

This type of diabetes is a temporary form of insulin resistance that usually occurs halfway through a pregnancy. It results from excessive hormone production in the body, or the inability of the pancreas make the additional insulin that is needed during pregnancy in women with no previous history of diabetes. Without enough insulin, sugar builds up in the blood to high levels. This is called hyperglycemia.

Gestational diabetes affects about four percent of all pregnant women although it is usually goes away after childbirth. Untreated gestational diabetes can lead to problems for both the mother and the child. Although insulin does not cross through the placenta to the baby, sugar and other nutrients do.

Extra blood sugar goes through the placenta, giving the baby high blood sugar level. This causes the baby’s pancreas to produce extra insulin to get rid of the blood sugar, which can lead to microsomatia or a fat baby syndrome. Microsomatia develops because extra blood sugar and insulin cause the baby’s body to produce extra fat.

Babies with microsomatia are prone to other health problems including damage to their shoulders during birth. Because of the extra insulin newborns may have very low blood sugar levels at birth and may also have a higher risk of breathing problems.

The treatment of gestational diabetes should start quickly to prevent adverse effects to the mother and the baby. It should aim to keeping blood sugar level equal to those of pregnant women who do not have gestational diabetes. Treatment includes special meal plans and scheduled physical activity as well as daily blood sugar testing, so as to keep it under control.

In developing countries like India, a special kind of diabetes is noticed. It was designated as Malnutrition Related Diabetes Mellitus in 1995 by WHO. It occurs largely in young malnourished individuals in developing countries. In India it affects nearly one percent of the country’s diabetic population.

It is characterized by early onset, usually before the age of 30 years, and requires insulin for controlling blood sugar.

Another variation of Malnutrition Related Diabetes Mellitus is Fibro Calculous Pancreatic Diabetes. It has high prevalence in tropical and developing countries. In India it occurs more in southern states. It is characterized by recurrent abdominal pain.

Malnutrition Related Diabetes Mellitus is though to be related to malnutrition during natal and early childhood.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Making The Child With Juvenile Diabetes Eat The Right Kind Of Food

The children used to waste lots of water from the Community Well. It was a problem for the old man, who had the responsibility of looking after the well. He knew that physical punishment is not the solution for this problem. He solved the issue with a song:

“Children, children listen to me,
Waste no water, waster no water,
There is a ghost near this well,
If you spill the water, it will drag you to hell!”

The children stopped spilling water.

Children are very difficult to deal with in the matter of their food habits. They can be changed with love and understanding. Never, by hard and fast rules!

When a child comes to know that s/he has diabetes, it could be the shock of their life. Give them the proper brief and counseling. Develop a sense of confidence in your child and tell them that there are many delicious recipes that s/he can eat even with diabetes. You can indeed inspire the child to learn the secrets behind the making of these wonder recipes.

These recipes will help the curing of the diabetes! Your child will love the freedom that you are willing to give them in using the kitchen. But before that, give your child proper training in using the kitchen appliances.

To begin with, the kid can start with salads. S/he can learn to cut it, arrange it, put lemon juice on it. Some other items they can try at the initial stages are: Bruschetta Turnovers, Dude Ranch Dip, Mushroom Pizza, Bread Snacks, Stuffed Mushroom Caps and the likes.

As you have given your child the kitchen-freedom, it does not mean that you will shut your eyes and enjoy it. Encourage the child to experiment with the new food items, but in tune with the treatment of the diabetes.

In the meantime, do not hesitate to tender piece-meal advice and pep-talks. Tell them: How its soda drinking was wrong, in place of fresh milk. How juice is good for their health, than the colas that contributed to the factor of diabetes. The sure way to deal with the extra weight is that he has to get up early and start the day with the glass of lukewarm water with honey and lime juice. How Indian gooseberry is good for calcium in bones. How cold drinks and cold coffee, has large amounts of caffeine, which is the root cause several dangerous diseases?

Understand the psychology of the child in its proper perspective and let its learning process be continuous and educative from the point of view of diet.

And lastly, the fact you should tell the child about diabetes. The main cause of diabetes is the impaired metabolism. After proper digestion of the food that we consume, glucose travels to the bloodstream, to be available as energy for the cells for growth and proper maintenance of the body, in its day to day functions. So, the recipes of the kids with juvenile diabetes need to conform to this basic objective.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

How To Care For Juvenile Diabetes Patient At Home?

Ashish Jain

The treatment given to the child at the doctor's chamber has medicinal as well as psychological value. The child trusts the immaculately dressed man, with stethoscope dangling on his neck. The child has read books and seen it on TV that such doctors virtually bring back the patient from the jaws of death.

But the reality is different. Juvenile diabetes is a peculiar disease. It is not like, one day stomach ache, two days toothache or three days headache. The modern child is educated enough to understand what diabetes is about. It is aware of the serious implications of the disease. Naturally it would be the shocking news for the parents that their young child has diabetes. But the reality has to be faced boldly by both the parents and the child. For winning such cases, 80% of the treatment is psychological where only 20% is the actual medication.

Remember, food is responsible for every type of disease and food takes responsibility for curing every type of disease. This statement may look contradictory, but it is nothing but the truth. We need to take right food at the right time. The number one rule for diabetic children is that they need to eat healthily. And this diet education needs to be given to the children from the parents as a part of the home discipline.

Your love to the child need not be expressed through fulfilling its demand for wrong types of food. The various types of junk foods with more and more carbohydrates, sugarcoated and cream items should be
avoided at all the cost. Give your child the appropriate food items such as seasonal fruits and vegetables, containing adequate fiber.

In initial insulin program that is provided to the children with diabetes is short term acting Hymalog NPH and long terms acting Humalin N.

Your child must not feel that its freedom to eat what it wanted is curbed totally. You need to fix the eating time-table in such a way that all the harmful items are strictly avoided, and with the addition of new items that would be liked by the child.

Take the child for a morning or evening walk. This will add to the bonds of affection. It is good for diabetes as walking helps the activity of metabolism. Similarly the child needs to be taught some simple physical exercises that are both fun and of immense benefit in the actual treatment of diabetes.

Therefore “love plus discipline in diet” is the major part of care and treatment for juvenile diabetes.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Diabetes Treatment Begins At Your Home...

Millions of people are affected by the dreaded disease called diabetes. It takes on all the age groups. It is a physical and emotional disease. Once in its grip, you carry the stamp of it, all through the life.

What is the cause of diabetes? Body cells use glucose, which keep circulating in the blood. The pancreas makes available the required amount insulin to allow glucose to enter the body cells. For the diabetes patients, there is shortage of insulin. An acute shortage of insulin causes breakdown of stored fats and proteins.

There are two types of diabetes: Type I and Type II

Diabetes I: This is a totally insulin-dependent diabetes. A patient of type I disease, is a patient for ever. S/he watches the insulin doses helplessly.

Diabetes II: The is a non-insulin dependent diabetes. Young children and young adults suffer from this disease. Beta cells inside the pancreas help in creating insulin by the pancreas. Once they stop the production of insulin, they will never start producing insulin again. This is Diabetes II, for which treatment is available.

The natural medicine used to treat diabetes II is known as Yacon. This medicine helps Type II diabetics to make optimum use of their own insulin by revitalizing the body tissues to the impact of insulin.

Controlling Type II diabetes is neither easy nor difficult. This statement may seem paradoxical, but that is how the attitude of the Diabetes II patients to their state of health can be described. For, they think, there are superiors among the diabetic community, and do not observe the rules on diet and exercise. They need to know that diet and exercise are the two regulatory valves to effectively check this type of diabetes. Regularity on both these counts will immensely help to control the disease totally. But once you allow the latitude of neglecting your own self, on these issues the hold of the disease may prove to be too strong. You may fall into the category of chronic case-the incurable diabetes. The need to depend upon the insulin, may be sooner than expected.

So, the best diabetes treatment includes taking excellent care about yourself with regard to exercise and diet. It is well known that taking a morning walk, in the garden or lawns, on the green grass is a good natural tool to control diabetes. As for the food you take, nutrition information is mostly provided on every food item you purchase from the grocery stores. Health food choices, are relatively easy. So, you have to decide for yourself, depending upon your personal state of health, the amount of saturated fat, cholesterol, fiber that you need to go into your system.

In diabetes, you are your own doctor first. Your physician is your guide and philosopher at the best.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Diabetes Treatment With Vitamins

David Klein

Diabetes is tagged as the silent killer disease. This is due to the fact that almost all of the patients suffering from this disease rarely know that they have it at all. Diabetes rarely exhibits symptoms. More often than not, patients would feel nothing wrong with them. There won't be notable changes in their bodies and so they never address the disease until after it is too late.

Right now, there are quite a number of medications that were developed to manage the effects of diabetes in a patient. However, the actual cure is yet to be found. Medical doctors around the world claim that the medicine that could totally wipe out this disease is still in the development stages.

Since doctors can't fully assure their patients that they can treat them from diabetes, people are constantly looking and trying other methods of treatment. Currently there are a number of natural remedies for diabetes out in the market. But still, the most effective of it all are vitamins and minerals.

Patients don't die due to diabetes. It is the complications of the disease that affect them most. And this is exactly where vitamins play a very crucial role. Adding the right types of vitamins to your diet would provide you with relief from diabetes and its symptoms. Hopefully, you can maintain that healthy condition throughout your lifetime.

Vitamins C, E, A, and B are very good for diabetic patients. Each of these vitamins has their own role to play inside the person's body. These vitamins could help a lot in regulating sugar production and energy exertion.

Vitamin C for Diabetes

Vitamin C is the vitamin that can save cells from dying.

Diabetes doesn't really cause death. What brings rise to a severed medical condition are the complications of the disease. The role of Vitamin C for diabetes patients is to prevent cells from converting sugar into sorbitol, which is another type of sugar but in alcohol form. The build-up of sorbitol in the body could lead to kidney and nerve damages.

Diabetes Treatment with B Complex Vitamins

If there were one disease that could be treated by the B complex Vitamins, it would be Diabetes.

Almost all B complex vitamins contribute in alleviating its nasty effects in the body. Niacin, folic acid, thiamin, and Vitamin B6 play a role in converting starches and sugar to energy.

Deficiency of the B vitamins would only cause increased sugar content in the body. A complete B vitamin supplements should help your body in managing the disease.

As such, it is strongly recommended that foods rich in these vitamins should be taken regularly. Eat good amounts of fruits and vegetables to ensure that your body gets the necessary nutrient you need each day. However, it is also important that you tell your doctor the type of diet you are following. Doctors need to monitor a diabetic's food consumption and weight for better disease management.

Examples of food items that you should take are green leafy vegetables, fruits, wholegrain, nuts, and dairy products. Ask your doctor how much and how often you can eat these foods. It should depend upon your body mass index and your way of living.

Vitamins are the perfect supplements of the commercial medicines that your physician prescribes. Keep in mind that full recovery form diabetes is attained faster if you continue taking your prescription medicines and not abandon them in favor of the natural remedies.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Options For Diabetes Treatment

Having been Type I diabetic for over 14 years, I am always looking to improve my diabetes treatment. I have gone through teenage hormonal changes, two pregnancies and general illness all without much incidence, and I would like to keep it that way. Diabetes can be a very scary thing but with the proper diabetes treatment, it is most certainly a manageable disease.

There are two types of diabetes; Type I which is usually diagnosed during childhood, and Type II which is generally diagnosed after the age of 18. Each require a different set of diabetes treatment, mainly because a person with Type I does not produce any insulin on their own while a person with Type II is just extremely insulin resistant or makes very little insulin.

Type I diabetics basically have to take insulin in some form. There are now several options of diabetes treatment, though, which can make the process much more manageable especially for those weary of needles. The standard treatment is to use insulin by needle self injection as little as once per day and as much as six to eight times per day. There are both short and long acting insulins and most likely a person with Type I diabetes will need to take a mixture of both. If you are not fond of the idea of needles, there is now an insulin inhaler that has just been introduced to the market. It is not widely used yet, but when discussing your diabetes treatment with your doctor be sure to ask about it.

In addition, the most cutting edge diabetes treatment is the use of an insulin pump. An insulin pump site is inserted once every three days and acts like an external pancreas, giving the patient continuous short acting insulin to keep the constant blood sugar levels in normal ranges. When eating, the patient self administers insulin through the pump rather than giving shots.

Realistically, I have found this to be the best diabetes treatment for myself because I have been able to adjust my insulin rates down to the half hour rather than taking shots and waiting for the insulin to react. While on the pump, I have been able to take my A1C levels (a three month overview of sugar levels) from 7.1 to as low as 4.2 during pregnancy. Normal ranges are 4.0 to 7.0, so my doctors were quite pleased with this as was I.

Be sure to check out all of your options and take an active role in your diabetes treatment. The disease is quite manageable, especially if you take control and ask questions.

Reference: Ann Merier, Diabetes and Cholesterol Medication

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Diabetes And Alternative Therapies

Diabetes is a growing health trouble in the reality today. Did you know that roughly 22 million children and adults are diagnosed with diabetes in the United States only? These numbers are growing every day. The precise reason of diabetes is not clear-cut, however, deficiency of drill and obesity are big factors in the growth of diabetes. This clause will offer some general data about diabetes.
What about alternative therapies?

The word "alternative" can suggest a form of treatment that is taken instead of conventional treatment. This should NOT be pursued and can be potentially very dangerous particularly if your diabetes is treated with insulin. However, there may be a place for complementary therapies that can be tried together with conventional medicine.

Advise your physician about any unconventional medicines, including vitamins, that you may get started taking before you were diagnosed with diabetes. In this manner you can be certain that any medicines you are taking will not get unfavorable reactions. While you may not view such products as drugs, their benefits and risks need to be treated in the same manner as traditional medications. The consumption of any herbal or unconventional cure must first be discussed with your physician.

Treatment with insulin, people with Type 1 diabetes do not produce any insulin of their own. It must therefore be replaced every day for the rest of their lives. At present the only way is by injection, although researchers are working hard to perfect the techniques of inhaling insulin or taking it by mouth. At this time, it can't be taken by mouth because the stomach would digest it, just as it digests food.

Food is one of the great things that life has to offer. And because you have diabetes you may think that the freedom to eat whatever you want and whenever you want is completely gone. However, this is not entirely true.

Reference: About Diabetes Lancets

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Type Of Diabetics And Diabetes Health Management

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is first treated with weight reduction, a diabetic diet, and exercise. For type 2 diabetics, diabetic management consists of a combination of diet, exercise, and weight loss, in any achievable combination depending on the patient. James Barnard from UCLA, the study showed that type-2 diabetics could lose weight and control their blood sugar levels by diet alone. The key to a healthy diabetic diet for healthy weight maintenance, is BALANCE. The document discusses what constitutes a balanced diet, and includes sections on meal planning, weight management, and the importance of physical activity for diabetics.

Stabilize that blood sugar Many people don't realize there's a place for pork in a diabetic diet. This sheet describes the value of small amounts of sugar in the diabetic diet, and explains briefly the difference between sucrose, glucose and fructose. This sheet outlines briefly the alternatives to sugar for those on a diabetic diet. These medications combined with diet and exercise keep the diabetic's blood sugar within that desirable range. Diabetics and anyone wanting to reduce sugar in their diet. Overall, diabetic diets can include moderate amounts of sugar, as long as they are carefully monitored. In terms of diet modifications, diabetics can control blood sugar levels by appropriately managing the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in their meals.

The diabetic person must pay particular attention to their diet - aiming to keep blood sugar at consistent and acceptable levels. Canning Fruit can be safely canned without sugar for the diabetic or reduced-calorie diet. The GI diet is definitely useful for diabetics striving to keep their blood sugar regulated. It is quite important for diabetics to understand the principles of carbohydrate counting and how to help control blood sugar levels through proper diet. To keep blood sugar levels under control, a diabetic diet strikes a balance among the carbohydrates, fats, and protein you take in. Healthy diets for diabetes type b, grapefruit diets depression and birth control pills, new fad diets diabetic sugar free diets low testosterone apnea.

Diabetes patients have an increased risk of high blood pressure, so regular monitoring is important on low-fat, vegetarian diets are ideal for diabetics. The diabetes diet can also be found on the Internet, including diabetic meal plans with recipes, portion sizes, detailed nutritional analyses, and educational materials. A balanced diabetic diet can save you from diabetes symptoms that plague people with diabetes. Whether your diabetes requires insulin, a diabetic diet and exercise, or oral medications, you'll find helpful information about its impact on your life and you should follow a diabetic diet to keep your diabetes under control. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is treated with insulin, exercise, and a diabetic diet. Every person having diabetes must consult a Registered Dietitian to prepare for his diabetic diet plan. For general information on the diabetic diet. Now, some diabetes educators are saying diabetics shouldn't worry about a specific diet and simply concentrate on healthy eating.

You need to get enough sleep (usually about eight hours), follow your diabetic diet and get regular exercise. Some adult onset (non-insulin dependent or type 2) diabetics can be controlled with diet and exercise alone. Type 2 diabetics who are not controlled by diet and exercise alone may require one or more medications to achieve glycemic control. The most important component of any diet plan should be exercise, and in a diabetic diet plan this is doubly so. Even so, a good diet and regular exercise can minimize the amount of insulin these diabetics require. Talk to your doctor about cutting back on processed food carbohydrates and increasing your exercise activity while following diabetic diets.

Usually a low fat diet is recommended as part of a diabetic diet plan. The back page of the diabetic exchange booklet is where the dietitian writes the individual meal plan, including snacks. Creating a customized meal plan using dietary guidelines essential to the treatment of all diabetics. Bernstein advocates in his diet plan for diabetics. The best diabetic diet plan is usually a personally balanced plan, and most dietitians can help create one. But finding a good diabetic diet plan is often difficult for diabetics. Any diet plan which advises on large meals once a day, or concentrates calories in any way will not be suitable for diabetics. The diabetic diet plan Diabetics have two main problems when trying to diet. A diabetic diet or meal plan should be based on the specially designed diabetic food pyramid.

Prescription drug prices adipex without a prescription history of birth control diet for diabetics steroid use in sports foreign pharmacy zyban michael thurmond diet. You have a lot of questions that need answers, one of which is how well can you control your disease with a diabetic diet. Nutritional needs: Dietary control is an integral part of management for the diabetic. Control of dietary fat in relation to diabetic complications in children.

The dietary exchange and nutrients listed after each recipe is based upon the recipe shown here from the Diabetic Cooking magazine. This is one of the first detailed studies specifically examining the dietary composition of elderly, institutionalized diabetic patients. Nutritional status and dietary management of elderly diabetic patients. Effect of dietary corn oil on lipaemia in diabetic children.

Many diabetics would prefer to take a pill or insulin injection and not worry about diet. Along with taking Insulin, I have also had to go from a diabetic diet to a renal diet. However, increasing evidence shows that monounsaturated fats (found abundantly in almonds) is beneficial to insulin regulation in the diabetic diet. Some vegetarian diabetics have reported such improvements to their health on a meat-free diet that they have had to inject less insulin.

A diabetic diet limits how much carbohydrate (kar-bo-hi-drate), fat, and protein you eat. In general, vegetables contain only a few grams of carbohydrate (5 grams per serving) and can be used more liberally in the diabetic diet. A diabetic diet helps you schedule your carbohydrate intake so that your cells can get the glucose that they need. A diabetic on a 1600 calorie diet should get 50% of these calories from carbohydrate. High carbohydrate diets have been traditionally associated with a diabetic diet. A diabetic diet has to be low in fat (especially saturated fat), high in carbohydrate, and high in fibre.


Monday, August 3, 2009

The Diabetes Type II Diet: Selecting Your Best Options

Flor Serquina

It's challenging to design a diabetes Type II diet that is sensible and healthy and comes as close as possible to being a "normal" diet. By "normal" we mean something that is familiar and as appetizing as most people's standard fare. If you've been diagnosed with Type II diabetes, the first thing your doctor will probably advise you to do is to change your diet.

If you have diabetes, everything you eat and drink should be part of your recommended meal plan. Otherwise, you risk developing complications or health risks due to a blood sugar count that is either too low or too high. When you have diabetes, it's often a case of ensuring balance in your life - physical activity, weight range, blood sugar and yes, a well-balanced diet.

The Food Pyramid

The diabetes food pyramid is divided into 6 food groups. These food groups are outlined below, starting at the top, which makes up the smallest portion of the pyramid and ending with the bottom, which should contain the largest portions in a diet plan. The recommended servings per day are enclosed in parentheses:

Sweets, fats and alcohol (small servings only, preferably reserved for very special occasions).

Meat and meat substitutes including tofu (4 to 6 oz).

Milk (2 to 3 servings).

Fruit (2 to 4 servings).

Vegetables (3 to 5 servings).

Grains (6 to 11 servings) and starchy vegetables (3 to 5 servings).

The South Beach Diet

The South Beach diet has been popularized and promoted by many weight loss gurus because it is quite effective in helping people lose and maintain weight. For people with Type II diabetes, however, the South Beach diet may not always be effective. Experts cite its adverse effects on people who have problems with their kidney functions. If you're considering using the South Beach diet and you have Type II diabetes, you may want to consult your doctor first. The South Beach diet may not be a good diet plan to follow especially if you have impaired kidney functions caused by diabetes.

The Caveman Diet

A rather extreme form of diet that some people are recommending is the caveman diet or the Stone Age diet. It is argued that diabetes didn't seem to plague cavemen and that majority of the foods included in the caveman diet are similar to the foods recommended for diabetes.

Consider, for example, the fact that refined grains and sugars were nonexistent and that fat was not taken in large amounts. Other foods associated with obesity (and therefore contributory to Type II diabetes), such as salt, hydrogenated fats, vegetable oils and even milk were also not readily available. What was present was high fiber and fresh, all natural fruits, meats and vegetables.

While this diet may seem a little strange, it is not totally without sense. What it promotes is the use of fresh foods and natural fiber, along with minimal intake of refined or processed sugars carbohydrates and oils. In other words, use a simple but healthful diet plan to help combat the effects of Type II diabetes.

Looking for a Diabetes Diet Plan

The best way to ensure that you follow the recommended portion and that you eat only the recommended foods for Type II diabetes is to work with a dietitian or nutritionist. This is especially important if you are pregnant. Pregnancy may require special diets, especially if you're diabetic.

However, there are certain sources for free diet plans you can use, perfect if you're looking for a way to maintain a diet on a daily basis. The American Diabetes Association website has plenty of information about Type II diabetes diet along with a list of foods that may be included on a menu. Diabetes Educators also has a website where you'll find plenty of free recipes, diet plans and recommended food portions.

Putting a Diet Plan into Practice

Just because you have this condition doesn't mean you should stop living an active, healthy life. You will have to deal with certain restrictions, however, but with conscientious maintenance and a good diet, there is no reason why you should be limited by your condition.

Following a recommended and sensible diabetes Type II diet will take some effort on your part, especially if you're used to a more lenient lifestyle. However, remember that maintaining a sensible diet is important to help you live a healthy and productive life. Use the resources and information that you already have and look for extra help if you need it. Controlling this health problem is possible and only you can make sure of that.


Diabetes And Yoga: Alternative Diabetes Management Techniques

Yoga is an ancient practice of moving the body into different poses (asanas) to achieve a healthy body, an attentive mind, and a relaxed spirit. Yoga can be used to help treat many different illnesses, including diabetes. There have been numerous clinical studies that prove the benefits that yoga has for diabetics, because many yoga poses can positively impact circulation and help regulate body systems.

Like with any other exercise regime, when you begin yoga, begin slowly at your own pace. Don’t push yourself too hard. If you find a pose difficult, maintain it for a shorter length of time. Increased flexibility and strength will come from practice. Monitor your blood glucose levels before and after any period of exercise. If you feel lightheaded, or experience any unexpected symptoms during exercise, stop to monitor your blood glucose and act accordingly.

Here are a few poses that have been found to be beneficial for people with diabetes.

Uddhiyana Banda: the stomach lift

Stand with your feet spaced shoulder width apart. Lean forward at your waist and place your hands on your knees. Inhale deeply by pushing your abdomen forwards, then exhale deeply by pulling your abdomen in. Pause for five to ten seconds. Inhale deeply by pushing your abdomen forwards, then exhale deeply by pulling your abdomen. During this pause, rapidly push your stomach in and out while you are not breathing. Repeat three or four times. Stand and resume normal breathing. This pose strengthens your abs, massages your organs, and assists your nervous system.

Yoga Mudrasana: the symbol of yoga

Sit up straight with your legs crossed. Clench your fists and place them on both sides of the abdomen, just below your bellybutton. While exhaling, bend forward as low as you can, pushing your fists against your abdomen. This pose is good for helping your nervous system and preventing possible complications of diabetes. This pose can be held for three minutes once you have had much practice. Begin by simply holding it for ten seconds, however.

Dhanurasana: the bow pose

Lie on your stomach. Lift your feet towards your knees, and reach back to grasp your ankles. Lifting your legs, chest, and head, arch your back into a bow. Hold for five seconds to begin, and work your way up to thirty seconds or more at later sessions. Repeat this action four or five times. Once you have mastered this pose, try rocking gently forwards and backwards, and from side to side. This pose massages your organs. This pose is of moderate difficulty.

Halasana: the plow pose

This pose is one of the most used yogic poses. It is complicated and so should not be attempted right away. Begin by lying on your back. Raise your feet to a ninety-degree angle to your body. If you are just beginning this pose, stop here, and hold your feet. If you are more advanced, lower your feet towards your head. Your pelvis will curl up and your lower back will lift from the floor. Touch your toes to the floor behind your head. If you cannot reach your toes to the floor, then simply hold the stretch where it is comfortable. Support your lower back with your hands if necessary. Once you no longer need to support your buttocks or lower back with your hands, place your hands on the ground beside your body. This pose can be held for around four minutes once you are an expert. In your early tries, begin with ten seconds or however long feels comfortable for you. This pose is not for any woman who is menstruating. This pose stretches the spine, and so helps the central nervous system. It is beneficial to all areas of the body.

At the end of any yoga practice, particularly if you are diabetic, it is important to do Savasana, the corpse pose. This is a pose of total relaxation. Lie on your back, with your eyes closed, your legs slightly spread, and your feet dropping to the sides, completely relaxed. Allow your arms to rest comfortable at your sides. Relax, simply focusing on your breathing for one to three minutes. This pose helps you focus after a yoga session and relax the muscles that you have worked.

The Sun Salutation is also recommended for diabetics. It is a series of yoga asanas. You can find many variations of the sun salutation. Try one that works best for you.

If you are uncertain about trying yoga, go to a gym or alternative medical practitioner to see if there are any yoga classes being offered in your area. There are often many classes, and you can probably go to the first class free. You can also join a pay-by-class gym where you can stop by if you want. Tell your instructor that you have diabetes, and your instructor will be able to assist you by teaching you the above poses, and by suggesting other poses such as Paschimottanasana, the sitting crane, Padangusthansana: the standing crane, Bhujangasana the serpent pose, Sarvangasana: the shoulder stand, Ardha-matsyendrasana: the spinal twist, Chakrasana: the wheel pose, and Shalabhasana the grasshopper pose. There are other poses that are beneficial to diabetics, or that will be able to help you prevent or manage any complications you might encounter.

Reference: The Guide to Diabetes.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 – Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Special areas in the pancreas gland, the Islets of Langerhans, produce a hormone called insulin. This hormone is a protein of small size. Insulin stimulates muscle cells and other body cells to take up glucose from the blood and convert the glucose to glycogen, a kind of starch, and then store the glycogen. By need the body cells convert the glycogen to glucose and use it as fuel. In this way insulin keeps the glucose level in the blood at a normal size.

By diabetes type 2, the cells in the body do not react properly by stimulation from insulin. Therefore they do not take in enough glucose from the blood to store it or to use it as energy source. This condition is called insulin resistance. The amount of glucose in the blood therefore rises. Also the insulin production can rise to regulate the glucose amount down, but this effort to reduce the blood glucose is not effective enough. If the disease persists for many years, the insulin production may tire out, so that the amount of secreted insulin decreases.


The exact mechanism that causes the disease is not known. There may be an autoimmune response to insulin or to the molecules on the cell surfaces that the insulin connects to. However, these lifestyle factors can cause the disease:

- Too high consume of sugar and fat
- Over-weight
- Too less exercise over many years.

Therefore diabetes type 2 can be prevented by a right diet and with regular exercise.

When the glucose uptake into the body cells is reduced, but glucose instead accumulates in the blood, the following physiological effects occur:

- The body cells do not get enough fuel for the work they shall do.
- The molecular thickness (osmality) of the blood increases. This causes water to be pulled out from the body tissues and into the blood. The tissues thus get dried out and the urine production increases.
- The tissues begin to break down protein and fat to get energy, causing weight loss and muscular reduction.

The symptoms of diabetes type 2 are a consequence of these mechanisms.


Diabetes type 2 is the most common kind of diabetes, actually 10 times more common than diabetes type 1, where the insulin production is reduced or stopped. The disease usually appears after the age of 50, but the high sugar and fat consume in western countries nowadays also causes young persons to acquire the disease. Symptoms of diabetes type 2 come gradually. The symptoms are.

- Increased urine production
- Dehydration, that is a lack of water in the body
- Abnormal high thirst
- Dry mouth
- Increased appetite
- Slow healing of physical injuries
- Itching in the skin
- Infections caused by yeasts
- Impaired vision

In the long turn, the disease can cause atherosclerosis with blood vessel narrowing, heart disease and stroke.


The treatment of diabetes type 2 is most often diet with a low sugar amount and weight reduction. These measures will lighten the burden upon the blood sugar control of the body so that it manages to normalize the blood sugar levels. If this does not work good enough, medicines to lower the blood sugar is used.

If the insulin production is reduced, insulin injections are also used.

There are also natural products in the market that can help to normalize the blood sugar level by diabetes type 2. Those products cannot heal the disease, but they can help the body to regulate the blood sugar. These products contain minerals that are working components of enzymes that stimulate the glucose metabolism in the body. They also contain herbs that have been used for a long time in traditional medicine to regulate the glucose level and have proven their effects in scientific studies.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Controlling Type II Diabetes Through Diet And Exercise

If you have been diagnosed with adult onset type II Diabetes, you may be able to control your condition through diet and exercise. Many people have genetic predispositions for adult onset diabetes, but the disease is usually brought on by poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. It can be hard to reverse the damage caused by years of unhealthy living, but by changing the way you eat and exercise, you can help control your disease and can lead a fairly normal life without the need for insulin-regulating medicine.

Before embarking on a workout plan or adhering to a new diet, you should first consult your doctor. He or she will probably make dietary suggestions and will usually refer you to a dietician who can help you plan your meals. The dietician will tell you what you can and cannot eat, and what you can eat in moderation. You will have to cut out all of the sugar from your diet. This means drinking diet sodas, if you must drink sodas at all, and eating sugar free candy on those special occasions.

It is important to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to take the place of all of those empty calories and to keep you feeling full and energetic. You should make sure to take in enough protein to help your muscles get your through your new workout schedule, and be sure to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. You will want to eat several small meals throughout the day rather than just eating two or three times with a lot of time in between. By eating more small meals, you will keep your blood sugar at a more steady level, rather than having the ups and downs associated with large meals followed by gaps in eating.

Once your diet is under control. The next step is to begin an exercise program. You don’t have to aim for running a marathon or even a mile. Walking is the most prescribed form of exercise for diabetes patients. Whether you walk in the mall, around the neighborhood or on a treadmill, the most important thing is to get moving and to keep moving for an extended period of time every single day. Though you may not feel motivated at first, you will soon start to look and feel better and better. Seeing these changes will hopefully provide you with enough motivation to stick to your workout plan.

If find walking boring, try to find a partner who will keep you motivated. There are also many diabetes support groups that have walking clubs that meet daily. You can join a club and meet other diabetes sufferers who will help keep you on the right track. They can provide inspiration and encouragement by sharing success stories and by keeping you aware of the complications that can arise if the disease is left untreated. Once you get into fairly good shape, you might try playing a sport that you enjoy, like golf or tennis. You could also join a gym and participate in some yoga or aerobics classes to add some variety to your workout plan.

Keep in mind that the best way to avoid diabetes complications is to change your lifestyle. Many of the common problems of people diabetes can be avoided by staying away from sugar and other harmful foods. By exercising and staying healthy, you can avoid vision loss and circulation problems associated with the disease without having to use expensive and debilitating drugs to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level. Remember that your body is your most important asset, and keeping it working properly should be your highest priority.
