Monday, November 30, 2009

Diabetes Complications – Know Before it Grabs You

Diabetic is a growing concern around the world and currently developing as one of the major threats for human health with an explosive increase in the number of people diagnosed with diabetes worldwide. Approximately 29 million Americans age 20 or older have diabetes. But almost one-third even don’t know that they have the disease and are at risk for vision loss, kidney failure, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Diabetes complication doesn’t just appear from one moment to the next. It is a process that accumulates itself after years of body decay. If a person maintains a stabilized sugar level, there is no reason whatsoever to suffer from diabetes complication. In order to combat this future state, the best way to do it is proper diet, exercises, concern medicines and regular blood sugar check ups.

Diabetes can damage many of the body systems leading to such serious medical complications as heart disease (heart attack, stroke) blindness (due to retinopathy) kidney damage, impotence in men, amputations from gangrene and/or from damage to nerves (neuropathy).

Another major complication of diabetes is foot gangrene. It is typically caused by a combination of limb ischemia (tissue death) as the result of arterial occlusive disease, most commonly atherosclerosis, injury and poor healing, usually combined with a superimposed infection.

Ways to Prevent Diabetes Complications

To prevent diabetes complication, you need to take care of your diet first. If you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes, very likely your health, obesity level, and normal diet are not very good. Most adults diagnosed with diabetes have a very common history of eating too many harmful foods and having a very poor diet practices.

You need to take proper care of every bit of food that you put in your mouth. You need to ask yourself if that food is going to provide your body the nourishment it needs or deplete your body of its needs. You will need to follow a diet for diabetics. A good diabetic diet is a diet that is good for anyone who wants to nourish the body and have plenty of energy whether or not they have diabetes.

Regular exercises and yoga are also important part of avoiding diabetes complications. Exercise is just as important as a good diabetes diet in preventing or reversing complications of diabetes. It is also important to consider your food intake, along with your activity and its effect on your insulin.

Researches have shows that people that are having trouble keeping diabetes control often are lacking in daily exercise. On the other hand, diabetics who exercise regularly have little trouble when it comes to balancing their insulin intake and their food.
Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Reference: Nick Mutt, Home remedies for diabetes, Diabetes supplement

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Diabetes Complications Could Spell Trouble

Diabetes is very serious and may be undiagnosed for years, in the case of type 2 diabetes, were as type 1 diabetes can, almost immediately, be serious and even life threatening, although some cases, as with type 2, may also go undiagnosed for years.

As with any disease, the earlier that diabetes is dianosed, the better. So it is very important to be aware of the symptoms of diabetes.

These complications can, if left untreated, include blindness, . To avoid these consequences, many treatments can and should be given which help to give the chance of a normal life to any person who suffers from this condition.

In the long term, again if untreated, more serious diabetes complications include infarction, amputation, renal diseases and even death. However there are many treatments which allow a diabetic to lead a healthy life.

Before the discovery of insulin, type 1 diabetes was fatal. Now with f insulin and other remedies people with type 1 diabetes can live a long and fulfilling life. In addition to the current treatments, on going research and testing will likely bring about improved treatment, if not the possibilty of a cure and prevention.


In western countries if a person's diabetes is not looked after properly their diabetes is probably the main cause of blindness and renal disease.

Kidney damage is another common complication from diabetes. Diabetic nephropathy is damage to the small blood vessels in the kidneys. This causes protein to leak into the urine. Eventually the kidneys lose their ability to clean and filter the blood. Dialysis may be needed to filter the toxins from the bloods.

Diabetics are more prone than most people to specific oral (gum diseases) and gynecological infections because the bacteria involved in these infections like "sugar".

The feet of a diabetic person are particularly fragile and prone to problems.

Sores, or rashes, may not heal and can lead to abscesses, even gangrene; this then often leads to amputation of the infected limbs.

Chronic hyperglycemia gradually damages the small blood vessels of the kidney and the eyes as well as the nerves over a period of time especially if the person's diabetic state is not well looked after. This eventually causes over the years a failing of these specific organs.

Blood vessels can become blocked, meaning that the heart and lungs, etc, are not receiving an adequate blood supply. The person can even die when this occurs.

Acute complications of diabetes type 1 are usually fainting or coma caused by hyperglycemia. This also occurs when the person is suffering from hypoglycemia, both conditions respectively are due to insulin not injected or an insufficient dose being given.

It is occasionally hard to tell if a diabetic person is hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic. One excellent method of determining which state they are in is to smell their breath. If the person is in a hyperglycemic condition, it will smell very sweet. This is due to ketones in the body being burned as fuel.

Long-Term Complications

Includes blindness. Damage is done to the retina by diabetes and is the leading cause of blindness.

Kidney damage from diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure in the United States.

People with diabetes already are at higher risk of cardiovascular problems, kidney disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels.

Arteries building up with fatty plaques can cause peripheral vascular disease or decreased circulation in the arms and legs.

Damage can be caused to the nerves in the nervous system. This can lead to chronic diarrhea, uncontrollable heart rate, high blood pressure, and paralysis of the stomach.

Acidic ketosis occurs when the body can't use glucose as fuel anymore. (Sugar can not penetrate the cells because of an insulin absence). The cells are then attacked, causing abnormally massive degradation in ketones which are toxic waste for the human body. Untreated, it evolves into a coma and can cause premature death.

In men, nerve damage may also result in impotence. Diabetic neuropathy can affect the nerves that lead to the penis that allow for penile erection. If the penis is not receiving the blood flow it needs because of nerve damage, it can cause erectile dysfunction or impotence.

These complications should be enough to compel you to avoid complications if possible. Take care of your body and controlling your diabetes, eat healthy, exercise, and get the rest you need.

Reference: Diabetes Including Symptoms, Signs, Dietary Information and Treatments

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Diabetes And Genetics. Do We Have An Answer For It?

Although many diagnosed with diabetes have the disease somewhere in their family medical history, diabetes is not a disease that is inherited in any simple pattern.

First of all, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes do not have the same causes. However, there are two factors that are involved in both: there must be an inherent predisposition for the disease and there must be a trigger for it.

Proof that genes alone are not enough to get diabetes can be found in the case of identical twins. Identical twins have identical genes, yet in cases where one twin is diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes there is only a 50% chance that the other twin will also develop the Type 1 diabetes. If the diagnosis is Type 2 diabetes, then the risk goes to 3 out of four for chance. A mixture of nature and environmental factors make it impossible to determine who will get diabetes and who will not.

Type 1 Diabetes

When it comes to Type 1 diabetes, people generally need to inherit risk factors from both sides of their family. These risk factors are very prevalent in Caucasian segments of the population. Still, even those who are at risk do not always get diabetes, prodding researchers to dig deeper into what possible environmental triggers there are that set off the disease.

Type 1 diabetes is known to occur more often in winter than in summer and therefore has researchers believing that cold weather is a possible trigger. Viruses are also suspected as a trigger as well as other auto-immune diseases. (Diseases in which the immune system attacks the body's tissues.)

Type 2 Diabetes

Of the two types of diabetes, Type 2 has the stronger genetic base but depends a great deal more on environmental factors. The genetic predisposition for Type 2 diabetes mixed with those living in a Western lifestyle is an infamous cocktail for developing this disease. As is such with the great majority of the Western diet and lifestyle, too much fat and refined carbohydrates and not enough fiber coupled with inactivity has birthed this disease into epidemic proportions. As obesity rises, so do reports of diabetes. In comparison, those living in areas of the world that are not Westernized do not develop Type 2 diabetes despite their high genetic risk.

Gestational Diabetes.

Gestational diabetes, diabetes that develops during pregnancy, has no clear genetic or environmental triggers. Although women who develop the disease are more likely to have a family history of diabetes, it is unclear what other non-genetic factors play a role. Women who put off having children until their later years and women who are overweight seem to be the most common groups to be diagnosed but this is not always the case.

So what is the conclusion here? You can have the genetic risk, environment, and the lifestyle triggers, and still not develop diabetes. The other side is also true. Diabetes can develop without many of the triggers.

The only thing that we as a human race can do is limit the triggers for diabetes as much as we can. Eat healthy, exercise regularly, keep our weight under control and hope that our genes are in our favor.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Diabetes Complications, The Silent Killer.

The complications from diabetes can have devastating effects on your health, if proper care of ones health is not maintained.

Heart Disease

Diabetes is well known for being the cause of heart related problems. Large amounts of sugar in the blood can cause a significant amount of damage to a body's systems- especially blood vessels.

Unhealthy lifestyles coupled with diabetes can up the chances of complications and lead to other health problems such as coronary heart disease and stroke.

Middle aged persons with Type 2 diabetes have been shown to have as much chance of having a heart attack as the person who does not have diabetes at all but has had at least one heart attack. Hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, is always a prescription for a possible heart attack.

Take a diabetic with high cholesterol and the risk becomes that much greater. Even further, diabetics who have had one heart attack are very much at risk for another.

Women with diabetes are much more likely to develop some sort of heart disease than women without the disease.

Warning signs of a heart attack are:

- Chest pain spreading to shoulders, neck or arms.
- Chest pressure, tightness, burning or a heavy feeling in the chest.
- Irregular heart rate
- Impending doom feeling.
- Light headedness.
- Fainting, nausea, sweating or shortness of breath.
-Sweaty skin.
- Paleness
- Anxiety or nervousness


The brain is very much dependent on oxygen to keep it alive. The brain needs a network of blood vessels in which to pump oxygen rich blood. Through this network of vessels will the vital parts of the brain been feed. Without that the brain tissues will die.

Diabetics are three times more likely to have a stroke than those who does not have the disease. As diabetes is more common in the African American community, this accounts for the reason that they suffer a sizeable amount of the population's strokes every year.

Ischeamic stroke is characterized by an insufficient flow of blood and oxygen to the brain tissues and is the most prevalent type of stroke for those with diabetes. The risk for this type of stroke is peaking for younger men and older women.

A stroke is an emergency situation that requires immediate medical intervention and warrants a trip to the emergency room of a hospital. The sooner the stroke victim receives medical care, the sooner any damage can be assessed and the condition stabilized.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Diabetes And Obesity. Is There A Link?

Over half the population of the United States of America is obese or suffers from the effects of being overweight. Without surprise, among this cross section of the populace there are greater instances of diabetes. Although it has not been pinpointed as to whether obesity causes diabetes or vice versa, it is common knowledge that where one is found so will be the other. It is because of this that the US is in the midst of a wide epidemic in incidences of this disease.

It is a fact that most cases of obesity result from irregular diets and inactivity. For that reason it means that obesity is a risk factor that can be reversed with a healthy diet and moderate exercise. In turn it will have a considerable effect in reducing the chances of getting or even managing diabetes.

The associations with not only diabetes and obesity but also other conditions that enter the arena such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, and arthritis are impossible to ignore.

Studies have shown that those who incorporate a mere 30 minute walking session into their day can decrease their risk of Type 2 diabetes and obesity by almost half. Yet, millions of Americans remain critically overweight and the cases of diabetes continue to rise.

The over consumption of refined sugars and carbohydrates that are the staple of the American diet are clearly involved in this epidemic as is the predisposition towards inactivity. Americans spend a great number of free times in front of the TV or on the internet when they could be out participating in at least 30-45 minutes of vigorous activity per day.

Obesity and diabetes- as well as the complications of obesity and diabetes- have overwhelmed the medical system. The negative influence of these diseases only antagonizes and complicates other medical conditions. Even the simplest of procedures from dental work all the way up to post operative healing become of greater concern as diabetic and overweight patients with hypertension are more likely to experience complications.

Obesity isn't just a cosmetic problem; it's very much a health problem as well. If you are overweight, you are more likely to develop health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, certain types of cancer, gout (joint pain caused by excess uric acid), and gallbladder disease. Being overweight can also cause problems such as sleep apnea (interrupted breathing during sleep) and osteoarthritis (wearing away of the joints). The more overweight you are, the more likely you are to have health problems.

Non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes) is the most common type of diabetes. It is a major cause of early death, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and blindness. Overweight people are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as people who are not overweight. You can reduce your risk of developing this type of diabetes by losing weight and by increasing your physical activity.

As we read the above information, it shows us that there is a very well developed link between obesity and diabetes. The two conditions together link you as the patient even closer to many more health problems.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What Are the Two Types of Diabetes? - Facts About Type I and II Diabetes Exposed!

What are the two types of diabetes? This question may be troubling you for quite a long time. Well, I have the answer. The two main types of this deadly disorder are Type1 or Juvenile diabetes and Type 2 diabetes.

Facts About Type I And II Diabetes

- Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of this disease. It is caused due to ineffective insulin, which fails to maintain the blood glucose levels in our body. Mostly older people suffer from this problem but nowadays, even kids and teenagers are found to be suffering from this disease due to obesity. Irregular eating habits and erratic lifestyle can cause this problem.

- People are falling under its grip due to excess intake of sugar, which consequently destroy the blood sugar levels in our body. Too much indulgence in junk food and excess alcohol consumption may cause any of two types of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is also a hereditary problem in some families.

- Proper nutrition is very important in order to get rid of this disease. We should be very careful in choosing our diets. Sometimes wrong consumption of diets can aggravate this problem that may cause blindness and decomposition. The problem can be even fatal.

- Type 1 diabetes is mostly caused due to lack of insulin in our body. Generally, these type of diabetes affects kids. That's why it's known as Juvenile diabetes. When the pancreas stops to produce insulin in your body, your blood sugar limits rise up. Taking insulin injections and medications can control them

- In this case your immune system gets infected and it fights against your body. It attacks your pancreas and prevents the production of insulin in the body. Symptoms like losing weight suddenly, tiredness and blurry vision are usually seen in these two types of diabetes.

Keeping one's weight & height in proportion can Control Diabetes. For most diabetics, losing 5-7 pounds of weight can dramatically slow the progression of the disease.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

You Can Heal Your Type 2 Diabetes

Because type 2 diabetes is a condition, not an illness, you can heal your type 2 diabetes. The good news is that it is not difficult to do.

Healing is not the same as curing. Healing is something your doctor cannot do for you; it can only come from within you and is the process by which you become whole again. Put another way, it is your lifestyle choices - especially your choices about your diet and taking physical activity.

Making small, but important changes to your lifestyle can result in significant improvements to your type 2 diabetes condition and is preferable to taking medication. Taking insulin shots is not a substitute for a healthy diet, taking exercise and weight control all of which are required to heal your type 2 diabetes. Taking insulin shots may help you manage your condition, but does not deal with the real causes of your type 2 diabetes.

When you are over weight, insulin works less effectively in your body especially if you tend to store excess fat on your waist. The reason for this is that fat stored around internal organs is different to fat deposited on your hips. This fat allows fatty acids and hormones to leak into your circulation, which then act as a signal to your body that your fat stores are full. Consequently, fat cells make fewer insulin receptors and absorb less glucose, causing your blood sugar levels rise.

Fat stored around your internal organs is easier to lose than fat on your waist or hips, but both can be reduced. So, what changes do you need to make to your lifestyle to heal your type 2 diabetes?

#1. Start a healthy diet

Replace high fat and processed foods with a balanced diet. A diet for people with type 2 diabetes should be low in fat (especially saturated fat and trans fats), moderate in salt and sugar, with meals based on whole grain foods, vegetables and fruit. Aim to eat five portions of different fresh fruits and vegetables each day.Type 2 diabetes sufferers who practice food combining have reported significant progress in stabilizing and then starting to reverse the effects of their condition.

#3. Take regular exercise

According to the US Diabetes Prevention Program (USDPP), while some medications may delay the development of diabetes, diet and exercise work better. The USDPP also found that in addition to a healthy diet, just 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day coupled with a 5 to 10% reduction in body weight resulted in a 58% reduction in diabetes.

By making these simple changes in your lifestyle you can arrest the progress of your type 2 diabetes and, over time, heal it. In so doing you get the spin off benefits of reducing the risks of obesity, heart disease, raised cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

#3. Drink plenty of water

Keeping your body hydrated assists in maintaining your energy levels and keeping your blood flowing properly. Drinking more water is a huge aid in fat loss.

Reference:Robert Reddin,here

Monday, November 23, 2009

Common Causes of Diabetes

Pre-diabetes is among several causes, it is a condition where blood sugar is high but not enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. If not realized early the patient is at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Infection of pancreas-when pancreas doesn't make enough insulin, when sugar builds up in your blood stream instead of moving to the cell.

Weight- if your waist is 35 inches and above then you are at a risk.

Stress-any emotional, financial and physical strains can trigger to its development.

Being in-active-those people who are inactive have high risk than those who exercise twice or three times a week. This doesn't mean you have to go to gym to lift weight, but even a simple brisk walking in the evening or in the morning for 30mins can help.

Age- recent studies shows that 80% of most cases are aged 45 and above, and so the risk increases as you get older.

Family history-it is important to become acquainted with you family tree. If any of your parents or any of your close relative that you have blood relation have ever been diagnosed with diabetes then you at risk of the same since this genes cam be passed unless you reverse it by using some preventive measure and change lifestyle.

Race-it unclear why but blacks, black American, Latinos, Native Americans and Asian Americans are more prone to it than others in the whole world.

Gestational diabetes-if you developed gestational while pregnant or baby weighed more than 9 pounds you have increased risk.

Polycystic ovary syndrome-for those women who have (pcos) which is characterized by irregular menstrual cycle, excess weight or obesity are at high risk.

High blood pressure- research shows there is link between hypertension and diabetes.

High level of low density cholesterol.

High level of triglyceride fat in the blood.

Improper nutrition-continuous consumption of low fiber and protein diet can increase your risk.

Gender-elderly men are more prone to it than female of the same age.

Reference: Causes Of Diabetes, Causes Of Diabetes

Sunday, November 22, 2009

3 Ways to Prevent the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a symptom of a pancreas that is so damaged it cannot produce the insulin your body needs. The main causes are diet and lifestyle. It is a serious condition that can cause a number of complications, some of which may even be fatal if not handled properly. But you can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, or at least greatly reduce your risk of getting it simply by taking these three steps:

#1.Tackle your poor diet
Replace high fat and processed foods with a balanced diet. A diet for people with diabetes should be low in fat (especially saturated fat and trans fats), moderate in salt and sugar, with meals based on whole grain foods, vegetables and fruit. Try to eat five portions of different fresh fruits and vegetables each day.

Type 2 diabetes sufferers who practice food combining have reported significant progress in stabilizing and then starting to reverse the effects of their condition.

#2. Drink plenty of water

Keeping your body hydrated assists in keeping your energy levels up and keeping your blood flowing properly. Drinking more water is a huge aid in fat loss, and reducing obesity. Being seriously over weight greatly increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

#3. Take regular exercise

According to the US Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), while some medications may delay the development of diabetes, diet and exercise work better. The DPP also found that in addition to a healthy diet, just 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day coupled with a 5 to 10% reduction in body weight resulted in a 58% reduction in diabetes.

There is no need to go to the expense of joining a gym or buying any exercise equipment. Swimming or walking at a brisk pace is adequate exercise. The key point is to elevate your heart rate slightly for 20 to 30 minutes while you exercise. Introduce variation into your exercise routine, that way you will not get bored with it and the effects on your diabetes condition will be more noticeable.
You are not powerless to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. All you need to do is have a more active, healthy lifestyle. By taking these three steps not only will you feel better physically and emotionally, you can also prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes


Type 2 diabetes is a symptom of a pancreas that is so damaged it cannot produce the insulin your body needs. The main causes are diet and lifestyle. It is a serious condition that can cause a number of complications, some of which may even be fatal if not handled properly. But you can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, or at least greatly reduce your risk of getting it simply by taking these three steps:

#1.Tackle your poor diet
Replace high fat and processed foods with a balanced diet. A diet for people with diabetes should be low in fat (especially saturated fat and trans fats), moderate in salt and sugar, with meals based on whole grain foods, vegetables and fruit. Try to eat five portions of different fresh fruits and vegetables each day.

Type 2 diabetes sufferers who practice food combining have reported significant progress in stabilizing and then starting to reverse the effects of their condition.

#2. Drink plenty of water

Keeping your body hydrated assists in keeping your energy levels up and keeping your blood flowing properly. Drinking more water is a huge aid in fat loss, and reducing obesity. Being seriously over weight greatly increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

#3. Take regular exercise

According to the US Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), while some medications may delay the development of diabetes diet and exercise work better. The DPP also found that in addition to a healthy diet, just 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day coupled with a 5 to 10% reduction in body weight resulted in a 58% reduction in diabetes.

There is no need to go to the expense of joining a gym or buying any exercise equipment. Swimming or walking at a brisk pace is adequate exercise. The key point is to elevate your heart rate slightly for 20 to 30 minutes while you exercise. Introduce variation into your exercise routine, that way you will not get bored with it and the effects on your diabetes condition will be more noticeable.
You are not powerless to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. All you need to do is have a more active, healthy lifestyle. By taking these three steps not only will you feel better physically and emotionally, you can also prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes

Reference: Robert Reddin,here

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Introduction To Diabetes

Diabetes is a growing health problem in the world today. Did you know that approximately 20.8 million children and adults are diagnosed with diabetes in the United States alone? These numbers are growing every day. The exact cause of diabetes is not clear, however, lack of exercise and obesity are huge factors in the development of diabetes. This article will give some general information about diabetes.

Glucose is considered the body's fuel. We get glucose from the foods that we eat. It is not just sugar alone that is converted into glucose, but also starches and carbohydrates are chemically broken down into glucose. Without glucose your body would not function. All muscles and major organs in your body need glucose. But how does the glucose get to the proper destinations?

Insulin is the hormone that distributes the glucose to the liver, fat cells and muscles. A diabetic does not produce enough insulin or for some reason, his body is not able to process it effectively. When this happens the glucose stays in the blood and produces high blood sugar.

Diabetes can be classified into the following three types:

Type 1 Diabetes

In type 1 diabetes the body produces little or no insulin and daily injections of insulin are necessary to sustain life. This type is usually present from childhood and is also called insulin dependent diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes

It is the more common type of diabetes and usually develops in adulthood. With type 2 diabetes, the body is unable to effectively use the insulin produced. Most type 2 diabetics are managed by diet and oral medications.

Gestational Diabetes.

This type develops during pregnancy and usually goes away after the birth of the baby.

It is important to know the risks factor of diabetes. One of the biggest risks factors is a family history. If you have a parent or sibling with diabetes, your chances of developing diabetes are very good. Also being over 45 years of age, being obese, having poor eating habits or being of African American or Native American descent can increase your chance of becoming a diabetic.

If you have any of the above risk factors, be aware of the warning signs of diabetes. Contact you doctor if you have any of these signs and symptoms:

- Increased appetite

- Increased thirst

- Frequent urination

- Slow healing cuts or infections

- Increased amount of infections

- Blurry vision

If you are diagnosed with diabetes, treatment will usually involve diet changes and oral medications. In more severe cases, insulin injections may be prescribed.

Diabetes is manageable if the proper treatment regimen is followed. Talk with your doctor and a good diabetic educator. Have your doctor set you up an appointment with a registered dietician. She can show you what you can and cannot eat on a diabetic diet. Check your blood sugar levels frequently. Educate yourself about all the treatment options out there. Lose weight and become more active. Getting a diagnosis of diabetes is no reason to stop living.

Reference:The Truth About Diabetes.,

Friday, November 20, 2009

Use Diabetes Blood Test to Keep Blood Glucose Levels Normal

A diabetes blood test can mean one of two things. This is the first test run by a healthcare provider to determine whether you have diabetes. After a diagnosis has been made, you as an individual, will continue to administer your own diabetes blood tests.

Let's first discuss when a person should consider having a diabetes blood test to determine if they have the disease. Some common symptoms of diabetes are excessive thirst, occasional blurred vision, fatigue and constant hunger combined with weight-loss. If you notice these symptoms in yourself or someone you love, you need to consider seeing a healthcare provider.

Monitor the symptoms for a couple of days. Track and log the symptoms along with your activities surrounding these days. These activities would include when you went to sleep, woke up and exactly what you did that day. This may seem like an overkill but it will help you to inform your doctor of the onset of the symptoms. Even though they will most likely run a diabetes blood test for you, they may notice other patterns that may suggest something other than diabetes.

If you have diabetes, it could be one of three different types. Type-1 diabetes, this is when your body does not produce enough insulin to digest the sugar in your body. Type-2 diabetes is usually found in adults and is generally caused from lack of proper nutrients and exercise. Gestational diabetes only occurs in pregnant women. It is something that will be tested on every pregnant woman and even if positive, it goes away after birth.

After the original diabetes blood test was run and your healthcare provider informs you that you have diabetes. Your doctor will help guide you in the right direction when it comes to diet, exercise and blood testing materials. All of these are crucial to your health once you have the disease but the daily blood testing is the most tedious and educational piece of the puzzle.

Running a daily diabetes blood test on yourself helps you learn what foods and activities do to your glucose levels. Maintaining healthy normal blood sugar levels is your overall goal as a diabetic. Allowing your glucose level to rise too high or become drastically low can cause you to go into diabetic shock or even a coma. If this happens over a long period, more severe side effects could occur, like kidney failure, amputations.

Monitoring your daily sugar levels not only helps you and your healthcare provider with your particular situation, but it can lead to advancements in the disease. If enough patience monitor and manage sugar levels, doctors may be able to determine deeper root causes of the disease. Better dieting plans can be created, more effective exercise rituals can be implemented and many other possibilities.

Whether you think you may have diabetes or you already know you do, diabetes blood tests are crucial. Diabetes is a common disease and it is popping up more frequently today. The quicker you find out you have diabetes, the quicker you can get it under control and keep blood glucose levels normal. The more adamant that you are, about maintaining and monitoring your sugar levels, the better overall control you have over your health. The ultimate result is to live healthier and try to prevent further disease or side effects from shortening your life.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pre-Diabetes - The Calm Before the Storm

Remember when the medical world identified pre-hypertension to better monitor your blood pressure? The new buzz: Pre-Diabetes concerns a similar condition pinpointing people who are at severe risk for getting diabetes. Because diabetes silently invades your body, early detection and corrective action are critically important.

The goal with identifying pre-diabetes is to prevent the onset of diabetes from ever happening.

How do you know if you need testing for pre-diabetes? Good question. The truth is- You may not know. It's our human nature to wait until our body produces a pain or ache before we visit the doctor's office. With pre-diabetes, noticeable symptoms like frequent thirst and urination may not occur until the disease has progressed and is already causing considerable damage to your body. Most Type 2 diabetics don't have symptoms because the onset of diabetes is so slow.

Your physician can determine if you have pre-diabetes with two common tests. The fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) and the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Both require an overnight fast.

The good news is that you can likely prevent diabetes with early detection and proper care.

Don't wait 'til it hurts. Ask your doctor about diabetes and have your blood sugar checked several times a year.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Effective Herbal Supplements For Diabetics

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, which is caused by the inability of the pancreas to manufacture insulin, or to utilize the insulin produced in the proper way.

This disease is considered the 7th leading cause of death among Americans; and over 15 million Americans suffer from one form or another of this disease. Diabetes has also been linked to causing impotence and digestive problems. It is important to note that controlling blood pressure and blood glucose levels, plus regular check-ups, can help reduce the risks of such complications.

Types Of Diabetes

There are two main classifications of diabetes, type I and type II. Type I diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes affects about 10 percent of people with diabetes. In type I diabetes, the pancreas makes almost no insulin.

Type II diabetes, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes, was previously called "adult-onset diabetes" since it was usually discovered after age 40. However, with increasing levels of obesity and sedentary lifestyle, this disease is now affecting more and more adolescents, and even children below 10 years old.

The Elements In Effective Diabetes Treatment

Effectively treating diabetes treatments can include many elements, as traditional and alternative treatments are available. A health treatment that is not classified as standard western medical practice is commonly called an "alternative."

Alternative therapy covers a wide spectrum of disciplines that include everything from diet and exercise to mental conditioning and lifestyle changes. Specific examples of alternative methods include acupuncture, guided imagery, chiropractic treatments, yoga, hypnosis, biofeedback, aromatherapy, relaxation, herbal remedies, massage and many others.

Promising Herbal Supplements For Diabetics

Health experts are hopeful that someday, there may be a safe, potent and proven herbal remedies for diabetes. Tomorrow's doctors may even be able to carefully prescribe standard doses of fenugreek to their diabetes patients. In addition, according to the September 1, 2000, issue of American Family Physician, the following supplements show good promise to warrant extensive, in-depth studies:

- Alpha lipoic acid. This acid is found in potatoes, broccoli, and liver. The antioxidant may help slow the nerve damage that affects a lot of diabetes patients. A study of 328 patients revealed that three doses of alpha lipoic acid, taken intravenously, substantially reduced pain, numbness and tingling associated with diabetes-related nerve damage.

- Garlic. This famous herb helped relieved diabetes -- in rats. Human trials, however have still been inconclusive.

In one such study, garlic didn't fare any better than a placebo pill. The study included only 20 patients, and it's possible that a wider trial would gather proof that garlic works for humans as well as rodents.

In another study, scientists noted garlic compounds protected low-density lipoproteins from degeneration and noted that these compounds may benefit diabetics and patients with heart disease. Lipoproteins ferry cholesterol to where your body needs it. Diabetics usually have an imbalance of lipoproteins that can lead to heart disease.

- Chromium picolinate. Patients with type 2 diabetes excrete more chromium than healthy people, and the loss of this important mineral could make it harder for the body to respond to insulin. Initial studies have suggested that chromium supplements can help people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels.

Reference:Prime Herbal -

Monday, November 16, 2009

Diabetes and its Management

Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most costly burdensome chronic diseases of our time and is condition that is increasing in epidemic population in the whole world. The complications resulting from the diseases are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and are associated with failure of various organs such as the eyes, kidneys and nerves. Diabetics are also at a significantly higher risk for coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke and they have a greater likelihood of having hypertension dyslipidemia and obesity.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a serious disorder of the glands, of pancreas to be exact, called Madhumeha in Ayurveda. It is one of the most insidious disorders of the metabolism and, if left undiagnosed, may lead to rapid emaciation and ultimately death.

What are the types of Diabetes?

According to Ayurveda Diabetes is of two types: Diabetes Mellitus- Insulin dependent Juvenile Diabetes (IDDM-Type I) in which the body is unable to produce insulin and Non Insulin Dependent Adult Onset Diabetes (NIDDM-Type II) in which the pancreas produces insulin, but it is insufficient for reducing the blood glucose to normal levels.

What are the common symptoms of Type- 1 Diabetes?

Some of the common symptoms of Type- 1 Diabetes are:

  • Excessive Thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Irritability
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue

What are the common symptoms of Type- 2 Diabetes?

Some of the common symptoms of Type- 2 Diabetes are:

  • Loss off weight
  • Numbness in hands or feet.
  • Uncontrolled infections
  • Pain in the limbs
  • Inflammatory chest infections
  • Dimness of vision, contrast
  • Excessive thirst
  • Body weakness

What are the different tests for Diabetes?

Urine Test: Some chemicals are added to a few drops of urine. Colour change indicates presence of glucose in urine.

Blood Test: In this, blood is taken to test the glucose level. This is more accurate test to confirm diabetes

Which parts of my body are affected by Diabetes?

Blood Vessels: Higher level of glucose damage the blood vessels. As a result of this most of the diabetic complications occur in blood vessels.

Heart: Diabetes affects the heart by: Increasing the amount of fat in blood and increasing the amount of homocysteine in blood.

Kidney: In diabetes because of increased levels of glucose, kidneys have to do extra work to retain essential substances and separate waste products to produce urine. This affects the small blood vessels and their capacity to filter. After many years of work, it leads to kidney failure.

Eyes: Diabetes affects blood vessels of the eyes. Damage to these blood vessels leads to eye problems like: Damage to retina, Cataract or total loss of vision

Foot: Damage to blood vessels reduces blood flow to the feet and increases risk of developing foot ulcers and infections.

Nerves: High glucose level for a long time damages nerves. Nerve damage reduces sensation in some parts of body which may lead to: Numbness and tingling, Fainting and dizziness

How do I know if my diabetes medicines are working?

Learn to test your blood glucose. Ask your doctor about the best testing tools for you and how often to test. After you test your blood glucose, write down your blood glucose test results. Then ask your doctor teacher if your diabetes medicines are working. A good blood glucose reading before meals is between 70 and 140 mg/dL.

Ask your doctor about how low or how high your blood glucose should get before you take action. For many people, blood glucose is too low below 70 mg/dL and too high above 240 mg/dL.

One other number to know is the result of a blood test your doctor does called the A1C. It shows your blood glucose control during the past 2 to 3 months. For most people, the target for A1C is less than 7 percent.

Home Remedies for Diabetes:

The best remedy for this disease is the bitter gourd, better known as ‘karela’. Eat this vegetable as often as you can or have at least one tablespoon of karela juice daily to reduce blood sugar levels in your blood and urine.

Amla, due to its vitamin C content is effective in controlling diabetes. A tablespoon of its juice, mixed with a cup of fresh bitter-gourd juice, taken daily for two months will secrete the pancreas and enable it to secrete insulin.

Take ten tulsi leaves, ten neem leaves and ten belpatras with a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach. It will work wonders in keeping your sugar levels under control.

The leaves of Butea tree are very useful in diabetes. They reduce blood sugar and are useful in glycousia.

Take two teaspoons of powdered Fenugreek seeds with milk. Two teaspoons of the seeds can also be swallowed whole, daily.

Eat 10 fresh fully grown curry leaves every morning for three months. It prevent diabetes due to heredity factors. It also cures diabetes due to obesity.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Reverse Your Diabetes Today! Is There A Cure For Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition in which sugar is not properly absorbed by the body. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes share one central feature: elevated blood sugar (glucose) levels due to insufficiencies of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas.

Globally the incidence of diabetes is expected to exceed 250 million people by 2025 - resulting in 35 million heart attacks, 13 million strokes, 6 million episodes of renal failure, 8 million instances of blindness or eye surgery, 2 million amputations and 62 million deaths -that is a measure of the scale of the problem. While diabetes belongs at the top of the healthcare agenda, it has yet to be given that position.

According to the American Diabetes Association, there are 21 million diabetics in America; with another 54 million people having pre-diabetes (placing them at high risk for developing Type II diabetes). This equates to 75 million Americans having diabetes, or being at high risk.

Most doctors believe that diabetes is incurable... that's what they've been taught. The best you could hope for - according to what they learned in medical school - is to "control" this disease with medication and insulin.

And they're right... Diabetes is incurable if you follow most doctors' advice of merely suppressing your diabetes symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs. While prescriptive medications can help you "artificially control" your blood sugar, they do nothing to get at the root cause of the disease.

As we all know, prescription drugs (hypoglycemics) simply mask symptoms. They do not cure; actually they exacerbate the problem as they weaken your immune system. What is meant to help you out only make matters worse.

Sadly, diabetics taking drugs are 2.5 times more likely to die from heart disease than those treated by diet alone. And again, then there are the side effects of medication. These include liver problems (jaundice), anemia, skin rashes and sometimes, death.

Both oral anti-diabetes drugs and insulin are not health-friendly options. They hasten the onset of aging, and damage your liver, heart and other organs among other complications.

But there is a solution. Diabetes is curable. However, it is not cured by treating symptoms with drugs that only perpetuate the condition. Please understand, prescription drugs are the largest orchestrated fraud in human history.

The solution is to address the root cause of diabetes by stimulating your body to restore your pancreas and naturally produce more insulin, without the complications or side-effects of drugs and medications.

Why don't we hear about this information from the American Diabetes Association? The truth is, the American Diabetes Association are benefiting hugely from the current trend in diabetes. They are funded by pharmaceutical companies who would lose out if people reversed there diabetic conditions.

The treatment of Diabetes brings in over $10 Million Dollars every single hour of the day to Doctors, Pharmaceutical companies, and testing supply businesses. With that kind of money at stake Big Pharma is going to extreme lengths to silence information about natural cures and alternatives for treating diabetes.

But the truth is that reversing diabetes is not only possible, it is likely if you are willing to put forth the effort and follow some simple, proven steps. Everyday now more and more diabetics are finding that they can literally reverse this disease.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cure Diabetes: Calling For Double Trouble!


Open your eyes to the catastrophic effects of Diabetes. The mere thought of Diabetes brings so many questions and fears into our mind .Few people realize that thorough understanding and knowledge about diabetes can help tremendously in effective long term management. Diabetes is actually deficiency of Insulin(A Hormone secreted by small gland called Pancreas) which converts sugar into energy) or the low ability of the body to use insulin. Thus glucose levels in blood tend to remain persistently raised. Diabetes is responsible for development of various complications later in life. Diabetes welcomes Heart Diseases too like heart attacks and strokes (Double Trouble). Alone in US, more than 16 million people are suffering from Diabetes. People who are suffering from Diabetes are at more risk to Heart problems and Kidney Failures. Diabetes and its side effect occur among people of all ages.

What actually happens?

With the lack of Insulin in the body, glucose and fats are not converted into energy and they remain as it is the Bloodstream and with time contribute to Health diseases.

You can be Diabetes victim due to following reasons

a) Obesity definitely leads to Diabetes .

b) Individuals with impaired glucose tolerance or have high fat content in their blood

c) It can get transferred to you through your parents or ancestors.

d) Women who deliver babies weighing more than 9 pounds are susceptible to Diabetes.

e) Certain ethnic groups are more prone to Diabetes. Eg Mexican, Puerto Rican Americans and Cuban Americans can easily develop Diabetes.

Signs of Diabetes!!

a) Weakness and Fatigue

b) Frequent Thirst and urination

c) Quick loss of weight

d) Feeling hungry

e) Blurring of vision

g) frequent infections

h) numbness in limbs


Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Cure For Type 2 Diabetes

I want to take the time to talk to you about the cure for type 2 diabetes. I'm not sure if you're exactly familiar with the mechanics of what makes up this problem, but it is all about insulin in the body. It's either the body not properly responding to insulin or it is unable to produce the insulin. The problem with this is that people are forced to regulate the sugar in their blood. They have to check it throughout the day, this is why you may have seen people pricking their fingers to get this reading. If diabetes isn't dealt with, it can lead to more serious side effects, such as losing the use of limbs and even going blind. I'm going to show you the cure for type 2 diabetes, so you can get past this.

Refined sugars are the biggest part of this problem. This is the type of sugar that you find in candy and other sweet things. As your body digests this sugar, your insulin levels will spike up very high and very fast. Than a short period later, they'll come to a crashing low. If you take other natural forms a sugar, they'll go up and stay at a moderate level for long periods of time. It's this refined sugar that has been causing a lot of the problems with diabetes.

The cure for type 2 diabetes involves the pancreas. Some doctors believe that the entire reason people run into this trouble is that the pancreas can't properly process the insulin. By building up the health of this organ, you can solve this problem.

Reference:Natural Cure For Diabetes.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Natural Remedies For Diabetes

Life is too short to spend diagnosing the diseases. But there are certain diseases like diabetes that cannot be ignored at any cost. Minor physical problems that do not affect your lifestyle can be easily sidelined, but when these problems totally change your whole life, then what will you do. And to combat with such physical disorders, what you need is total and right awareness about them.

Here, we are going to discuss- what is diabetes after all. Diabetes is a disease in which your body stops producing insulin which is highly necessary for your health. Insulin is a hormone that converts the sugar, starch and other food into energy that you need to live in your daily routine. Though the real cause behind diabetes is still a mystery, yet both genetics and environmental factors are held responsible for its occurrence. And these factors are obesity and lack of exercise.

In United States alone, 7% of the total population is said to have diabetes, which is really alarming. Its highly unfortunate that still millions of Americans do not even know that they have diabetes. And this is very threatening thing for the future of the country.

But it can be controlled if diagnosed at an earlier stage, i.e. pre-diabetes. There are several tests for pre-diabetes and diabetes.

Diabetes Testing

Who says diabetes cannot be cured? Let it be made clear, that it is curable but with the right diagnosis. But it can only be controlled if diagnosed at an earlier stage, i.e. pre-diabetes. There are several tests for pre-diabetes and diabetes.

There is Fasting Plasma Glucose Test (FPG) or an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) and both are used for both the diseases. But normally, FPG is recommended as it is easier, faster and cheaper to perform.

According to this test, if your fasting blood glucose level is between 100 and 125 mg/dl, then you have pre-diabetes. And if more than 125 mg/dl then you have diabetes. And according to OGTT Test, your blood glucose level is measured after a fast and also two hours after you drink a beverage rich in glucose. And now if your glucose level measures between 140 and 199 mg/dl, then you have pre-diabetes. And if at 200 mg/dl or more, then its diabetes.

These two tests are the most considered ones and that are easier or you can say, much economical to perform.

After diagnosis, if you are found lucky to have no diabetes, then congratulations! But unfortunately, if the reports are in positive, then you need to have the prescribed treatments. And if you do not believe in or cannot afford or do not want to go for the expensive and so-long treatments, then here are the natural remedies for diabetes.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Juvenile Diabetes Cure

I here to talk to you about the juvenile diabetes cure that can help you cure this problem. Diabetes is really one of those problems that is a lot worse than what most people think. They see people pricking their fingers to get some blood and they assume that's as bad as it gets. This is a problem where your body has problem producing insulin or properly responding to insulin as a stimulus. It gets a lot worse than having to check your blood's insulin levels. If this gets out of hand, you can go blind, lose limbs and even die. It is an extremely serious problem and there is very little you can do about it. I'm going to show you the juvenile diabetes cure, so you can get past this problem.

Processed sugars are the real problem. A lot of people say that it is genetic and it's passed on by your parents. That may be true, but it is the sugars that people are eating that cause huge spikes and crashes in the bodies insulin. It's only a matter of time when these rises and crashes would result in a body that just doesn't seem to respond to it anymore.

The juvenile diabetes cure is actually quite simple. A doctor Robert O. Young has discovered that the pancreas could be having problems. It is the organ designed for the process of insulin and it could have been damaged by acids. All you have to do to cure this problem is to get the pancreas back up to a healthy state.

Reference: Natural Cure For Diabetes.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Best Way Of Preventing Diabetes

Diabetes can be prevented or, in some cases, delay the start of diabetes by taking charge before it advances from what is known as the pre-diabetic stage to being a full-blown illness. Pre-diabetes refers to the stage where you have higher-than-normal blood glucose, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. Pre-diabetes can lead to type 2 diabetes if nothing is done to overturn the condition. A recent study called the Diabetes Prevention Program indicates that persons with pre-diabetes can stop type 2 diabetes from beginning, by increasing their physical activity and changing their eating habits.

Changing eating habits and beginning an exercise program has been proven to be an effective method of preventing the growth of pre-diabetes. Pre-diabetes can be reversed that is, sugar levels can be returned to normal with medication, diet, and exercise, meaning you can do something to ward off imminent, full-blown diabetes. What exactly is pre-diabetes? It is the sign to developing type 2 diabetes and refers to higher than usual glucose in the blood.

It is important to know that pre-diabetes can lead to type 2 diabetes, if left untreated. Fortunately, a recent study has shown that moderate exercise and a change to healthier ways of eating can help prevent pre-diabetes and possibly diabetes itself. Age also plays a role, as the older you are, the more likely you are to develop pre-diabetes

People whose ethic background includes African, Native American, Latino, and Asian are particularly prone to developing diabetes. If you belong to one of these groups and are older than forty-five, it would be a good idea to get tested for pre-diabetes or diabetes.

Doctors can tell if you are pre-diabetic by performing two standard tests, the results of these tests will verify whether you have pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or if you are diabetes-free.

The test is normally done in the morning, and the patient is advised not to consume anything after 10 PM the previous night, you will then have the glucose tolerance test to measure your blood glucose level after an overnight fast, your blood glucose levels are then checked two hours later, if the range is between 140 and 199 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter), you will be considered pre-diabetic. These levels are also a sign that you may develop type 2 diabetes soon after.

If your test is positively as having pre-diabetes, it is essential to take annual tests so that you catch developed diabetes in its early stages. Early diagnosis is truly the easiest way to get the disease under control before too much harm has been done to vital organs.

Exercise can return blood sugar levels to normal ranges. Preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes is your responsibility; make the lifestyle changes needed to improve your health today.

Thirty minutes of reasonable activity joined with weight loss is recommended by the American Diabetes Association as the best way of minimizing the risk of becoming pre-diabetic. Even if you are not in the grouping of people that are more subject to pre-diabetes or diabetes itself, appropriate health care and physical activity are very important regardless.

Controlling your health is dependent on the changes you make in your daily way of life. While avoiding serious illness is one motivation to having a physical lifestyle, in general good health and long-lasting mobility are two other good incentives.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Juvenile Diabetes Cure

I wanted to take the time to talk to you about the juvenile diabetes cure. This is a horrible problem for people to have and it is twice hard for children to have it. Diabetes is a condition where the body is unable to properly produce insulin or isn't able to properly respond to insulin. A lot of people don't view this as a serious problem. They assume a person just has to check their blood sugar through the day and that's about it. This is a really dangerous problem. Diabetes can lead to blindness and can lead to a person losing their limbs. It is extremely dangerous problem people have. I'm going to share with you the juvenile diabetes cure.

The main culprit of this problem is all the refined sugar that is in our food. It's almost impossible to find something without it. A lot of people like to blame genetics on this problem and genetics probably does, but if people weren't eating the amount of refined sugar to begin with, there wouldn't be a problem. What happens with this sugar is that it causes the insulin in the body to spike and than crash. Normally it can handle that, but when it is done over and over again for a while it starts to become unresponsive.

The juvenile diabetes cure is actually quite simple. A doctor has recently discovered that the pancreas could be damaged. This is the organ that is meant to process all the bodies insulin. To cure the diabetes, you must heal the pancreas.

Reference: Natural Cure For Diabetes.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

How to Recognize the First Signs of Diabetes

Prevention is better than cure. This saying is especially true in the case of diabetes. Diabetes if recognized early can be treated far more easily than if left until later stages. There are some first signs of diabetes that can tell you whether you suffer from this condition disease or not.

The American Diabetes Association has recognized some early signs of diabetes and they are as follows:

One of the major first signs of diabetes is an increased urination frequency. This increase in the urination frequency is caused by the high blood sugar (or glucose) levels in our body. This increased level also raises the amount of blood flowing through the kidneys. This in turn results in more frequent urination.

Usually this increase in urination frequency is ignored as caused by a higher intake of liquids. However this should be treated seriously and it should be reported to a doctor. Apart from an increase in urination, your thirst will also increase. These two things are very much related. This is because such frequent urination can bring the body close to dehydration, which in turn results in a constant feeling of being thirsty.

Feeling hungry all the time could also be one of the early signs of diabetes. This is caused by either the complete absence of insulin in the body or its inability to perform its function properly. The purpose of insulin in our body is to actually transport the glucose from the blood right into the cells. Insulin also carries glucose to the cells which is primary source of cellular energy. The non functional or absent insulin causes a less supply of glucose in the cells. This leads to a feeling of being hungry all the time as the cells have not received any energy.

An unexplained weight loss is yet another early sign of diabetes. This is a very ironic situation as the diabetics usually tend to eat more. However the real reason behind this problem is the shortage of energy in the cells. Because of shortage of energy the body has to cannibalize itself. It starts breaking the muscular mass to produce enough cellular energy. This unexplained weight loss is often coupled with fatigue. This fatigue is caused by significant decrease in cellular energy. The lack of energy and fatigue can result in irritation and depression.

Another prominent sign is eye problems. The problems are usually caused by the increased blood volume from high blood sugar levels. This can cause the lens of the eyes to swell. This causes even more severe eye problems. So you see there are many things you can look out for which could indicate the condition. If any of these first signs of diabetes start to appear, it is time to visit the doctor and get a complete checkup performed. As mentioned earlier, prevention is better than cure.

Diabetes doesn't have to so be difficult to live with. Get all the facts on diabetes you need and make life a little easier.

Reference: facts on diabetes, Gestational Diabetes Diets

Friday, November 6, 2009

Beginning Signs Of Diabetes - First 8 Warning Signs Of Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious condition that is lifelong and life threatening if not treated with respect. In the United States alone, it is estimated that over 20 million individuals suffer from this disease. Of those, it is estimated that at least 6 million have not been diagnosed. That is a lot of people that have diabetes and are not aware they have this disease.

What are the beginning signs of diabetes to look for ?

Many individuals discover they are diabetic only when they visit their family doctors for other ailments. It are these early warning signs of diabetes that many people attribute to other conditions.

1. Frequency of urination - This happens when blood sugar levels are raised, increasing the amount of blood flowing through the kidneys. Many people, as they get older, will experience increased urination problems. They write this condition off as growing older. When diabetes is the cause, it needs to be diagnosed. Left untreated, diabetes can lead to the kidneys failing and shutting down.

2. Extreme hunger - Because of the lack of insulin the body is not producing, the body receives signals it is hungry. This symptom is experienced when the body's energy is deficient from not receiving enough insulin from the blood stream to the cells.

3. Unexplained, or sudden weight loss - When the body is not receiving enough cellular energy, the body begins to break down it's own fat and muscle to replace the energy, the body is lacking.

4. Fatigue - Feeling tired and rundown is caused by the decreased energy levels.

5. Depression and irritability are no experienced as a result of the above symptom the body is going through because of the diabetes.

6. Extreme thirst is also triggered due to the diabetes depleting the body of energy.

7. Impaired vision can also be experienced as a symptom of diabetes when more blood volume leads to the eye's lens swelling. When diabetes is left untreated, blindness can be experienced.

8. Loss of feeling or numbness, usually in the feet, legs, arms or hands areas of the body. Experiencing any of these symptoms in any of these areas can be a warning sign of diabetes.

If you are experiencing any of the beginning signs of diabetes, you should get tested. Testing for diabetes is also recommended for individuals that are over forty-five years of age and overweight. Diabetes and pre-diabetes testing is diagnosed by checking the blood glucose levels of a person's blood.

These symptoms and others will progress in time and get more critical if the diabetes is present and goes undiagnosed and untreated. These beginning signs of diabetes should not be ignored. As this disease progresses, more complications will arise, putting your life in jeopardy.

This is not a disease that will go away by itself. Diabetes will only progress if not treated. In the United States, diabetes is sixth leading cause of death. To learn more about this disease, you can contact the American Diabetes Association online.

Reference: What Are the Causes of Diabetes, Diabetes Type 2 Natural Treatment

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Diabetes: Different Types & Common Myths

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly utilize insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is required to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy needed for daily life. While nobody knows for sure what causes diabetes, research does show that genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise play roles.

In order to determine if a patient has pre-diabetes or diabetes, health care providers conduct a Fasting Plasma Glucose Test (FPG) or an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). The ADA recommends the FPG because it is easier, faster, and less expensive to perform. If the results of a FPG show a fasting blood glucose level between 100 and 125 mg/dl then this signals pre-diabetes. A fasting blood glucose level of 126 mg/dl or higher indicates diabetes.

In the OGTT test, a person's blood glucose level is measured after a fast and two hours after drinking a glucose-rich beverage. If the two-hour blood glucose level is between 140 and 199 mg/dl, the person tested has pre-diabetes. If the two-hour blood glucose level is at 200 mg/dl or higher, the person tested has diabetes.

There are also several types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, gestational, and pre-diabetes.

Type 1: the body does not at all produce insulin.

Type 2: the body does produce insulin, but either it is not enough insulin or the body cannot use it properly.

Gestational: this affects about 4% of pregnant women; abnormal glucose levels result from hormonal changes in pregnancy

Pre-diabetes: this occurs when the person's blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes.

According to the American Diabetes Association, here are ten myths to be aware of:

Myth #1 You can catch diabetes from someone else (since there are no viruses/bacteria involved, it cannot be "spread")

Myth #2 People with diabetes can't eat sweets or chocolate (as long as the diabetes is under control, then it cannot hurt in moderation)

Myth #3 Eating too much sugar causes diabetes (there is a combination of lifestyle and genetic factors involved such as obesity)

Myth #4 People with diabetes should eat special diabetic foods (healthy eating habits for diabetics are the same for everyone)

Myth #5 If you have diabetes, you should only eat small amounts of starchy foods, such as bread, potatoes and pasta (portion size is what's important)

Myth #6 People with diabetes are more likely to get colds and other illnesses (if the diabetes is well-controlled, then there is nothing to worry about)

Myth #7 Insulin causes atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and high blood pressure (no strong scientific evidence supports this)

Myth #8 Insulin causes weight gain, and because obesity is bad for you, insulin should not be taken (scientific evidence shows that benefits outweigh the risks)

Myth #9 Fruit is a healthy food. Therefore, it is ok to eat as much of it as you wish (a dietician can tell someone the amount, frequency, and types of fruits to eat)

Myth #10 You don't need to change your diabetes regimen unless your A1C is greater than 8 percent (the ideal range is less than 7 percent)

Reference: Andrew Martinez

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Diabetes - What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes is by far the most common type of the disease accounting for 90-95% of all cases. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) estimates that 21 million Americans have diabetes and that only two thirds of them even know it. Type 2 starts in middle age or later. It is growing so rapidly because of the epidemic in obesity not only in the US but all over the world. There is no cure but there is plenty you can do to prevent it and then control it.

Type 2 is a chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolizes sugar the main source of fuel. When people eat food, it is broken down into a sugar known as glucose, which is then released into the blood where it is carried to cells inside the body. Insulin is made by the pancreas to help the cells use the glucose from the blood.

People with Type 2 Diabetes have insulin resistance which prevents insulin from processing glucose properly. Soon more and more insulin is produced to overcome the resistance. During the later stages of the disease as the resistance increases, the blood glucose increases to above safe levels, but the body can't use it properly and the body actually starves for more energy.

If left untreated and again most people don't know they have it, disastrous results are sure to come. It increases risk for eye, nerve, blood vessel, heart, and kidney problems.

Many people diagnosed with Type 2 are obese and have a sedentary lifestyle. Just getting older is also a risk factor, because as we age our resistance to insulin can rise too. 21 percent of people over 60 have diabetes-a scary statistic!!

The most important thing to remember, if you are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes is that it is possible to control your diabetes instead of letting it control you. But it is in your hands.

Reference:Jack Krohn , DIABETES

Monday, November 2, 2009

Americans with Disabilities Act - Diabetes

In June of 1999, the supreme court limited the way the Americans with Disabilities Act can be applied to
those suffering from diabetes, (referred to as the Sutton trilogy).

Prior to the June 1999 decisions, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal office that enforces the ADA, held that diabetics claiming disability under the law had to be evaluated on their condition without corrective measures. For example those with diabetes could still claim a disability that diabetes was controlled through medications, and without them they would suffer major life activities such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working.

The American Diabetes Association has expressed great concern over the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Americans with Disabilities Act claiming that it unfairly constrains diabetics who are trying to control their condition with medication. If a diabetic does not attempt a medical remedy of the condition, the ADA does not apply, since in most instances, diabetes can be improved with medical intervention. However, by successfully controlling a diabetic condition with medication and the individual is not restricted from a major life activity, then the individual also loses the protection of the ADA. Complications of diabetes, such as diabetic retinopathy or diabetic neuropathy can in themselves affect a person's ability to work. An employee suffering from diabetes might require an individualized break schedule in order to check blood sugar, take insulin, or eat, which in turn might fall under the category of a "reasonable accommodation" on the part of the employer.

Surprisingly, in a large number of diabetes cases brought before the judicial system, the employer actually admits that the action being challenged was taken because of the person's diabetes. The case then revolves around whether the person was covered by the law (under the definition of disability) and, if so, whether the person"s diabetes would create a direct threat to others. However, in other cases the employer doesn't admit that it was motivated by the person's diabetes and, in such cases, the employee needs to provide direct or indirect evidence that proves that discrimination did occur.

Due to the ruling handed down in 1999, the American Diabetes Association advises members to look at both federal and state laws. Many states have disability discrimination laws that are more comprehensive than federal law.

Reference: Type 2 Diabetes Diet Information.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The American Diabetes Association Views Herbs and Nutritional Supplements Unnecessary

The American Diabetes Association provides a great deal of wonderful information concerning dietary and lifestyle factors that affect the condition. The only area of information in which they are lacking has to do with questions about vitamin supplements and herbs to help stabilize glucose levels. The information here should help you make an informed decision about supplementation.

What Vitamins Will Help?

According to the American Diabetes Association, you "probably" don't need to take vitamin supplements. There are a number of organizations, health care professionals and dietary experts that would disagree. In fact, a number of respected scientists believe that the insulin producing cells in the pancreas can be regenerated with the proper dietary supplementation.

Malnourishment and severe nutritional deficiencies are rarely seen in the industrialized nations of the world. But, that does not mean that you are getting all of the nutrients that you need for excellent health from the foods that you eat.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause problems with glucose control. The American Diabetes Association agrees with that statement. But, they, like many other organizations, feel that you can get all of the nutrients that you need every day, simply by eating a wide variety of foods.

That's highly unlikely. For one thing, the level of nutrients in even our fruits and vegetables is not what it once was. For another, most people eat a lot of prepared, packaged or processed foods, which further reduces the food's nutritional value. Many experts feel that everyone needs a good daily nutritional supplement.

Are there Herbs that Will Help?

According to the American Diabetes Association there is not enough data on any herb to recommend its use. There are hundreds of research reports concerning the promising results and lack of side effects seen with herbal medicines.

The real problem is that the majority of research conducted in the United States is sponsored by pharmaceutical companies in search of synthetic compounds that can be patented. Herbs and other naturally occurring compounds cannot be patented, so there will never be enough data to satisfy scientists and researchers.

In some cases, there have been as many clinical studies on the safety and efficacy of a specific herb, as there have been on a new drug. The drug data is always respected, even though those same drugs may be withdrawn from the market next month or next year, because of unwanted, sometimes critical side effects.

How do I Choose a Brand?

It is true that the quality and content of a product can vary. If you are currently taking medication, you need to discuss possible interactions with your pharmacy or a naturopathic MD. Conventional medical doctors are not well informed about new research concerning herbs and vitamin supplements. Naturopathic MDs must be up to date and better informed. They can also help you with a "complete" treatment plan.

When you do decide to "take action", choose a supplement manufacturer that uses effectiveness through proper formulations and coatings. Also, be sure that they test each batch for purity. Just so you know, I like the American Diabetes Association; I just thought you should have a little more information.
