Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Following A Diabetes Diet Is Crucial

Insulin is a very important hormone which converts starchy foods and sugar into glucose, the type of sugar which is required for energy so that your body can function normally. The body stops to produce or use the insulin in the body when you have diabetes, so if you are a diabetic, a careful and strict diet has to be followed. Diabetes is a lifelong problem which has to be dealt with. It is not curable. You have to follow a routine of proper medications and a planned diabetes diet to keep the disease under control and to maintain your health.

Know About Diabetes

It is important that you know thoroughly about the disease and also about the condition of your body. Each one of us has a unique body and although there are many other people with the same disease, it is not necessarily so that what works for them, will also work for you. So you have to consult a doctor to learn about the type of diabetes you have and the issues that may occur when treating yourself for diabetes. It is very important that you follow the correct diabetes diet for you.

Get your blood sugar level tested from time to time, irrespective of what type of diabetes you have. Purchase a pocket size apparatus to check the sugar level in your blood which you can use yourself when and where you want. Start learning how to use the device when you start to follow your diabetes diet. This will allow you to check your sugar level after every meal you eat.

All foods rich in starch or carbohydrates have to be avoided, as these foods are hard to convert into energy if you do not have the required amounts of insulin in your body. You should increase the intake of vegetables and fruits and avoid foods like potatoes, rice, pasta, etc. But there are also certain fruits which you have to avoid, as they can increase the blood sugar level.

It is not true that you have to stop eating a particular food altogether when you have diabetes. You just have to be careful to eat the right quantity.

Make Exercise a Part of Your Routine

The real cause of diabetes still remains unknown, but it is generally accepted that people who are overweight are more likely to suffer from diabetes. Hence, it is necessary that you be careful about what you eat and that you make exercise a part of your lifestyle. Those who are overweight have to be cautious and should try to lose weight. Following a proper diabetes diet is very important, not only for controlling your sugar levels, but also to keep the body fit.

Diabetes is an incurable disease, but if proper care is taken and provided you follow a diabetes diet, there is no reason why you cannot lead a normal and full life.


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