There are certain aliments that have no cure except control. One of them is diabetes. A diabetic patient needs utmost care in terms of their diet and daily schedule.
Here are some points that you must know in order to take care of a diabetic:
· The diabetes is cured to a great extent if you take your food on time. Make sure that you serve the meals on time.
· The diabetics should always take short meals. They should ideally take short meals every three hours.
· One point to take care of a diabetic is to conduct regular check of their blood sugar level.
· In this ailment your body fails to heal any wound. So the diabetic patient must wear shoes to save their feet from any injury.
· Another vulnerable part of your body in this disease is your eyes. Make sure that you get a check up done once in every 4 months. Also wear anti glares while working on the computer and wear sun glasses while you are out in the sun. In case you suddenly lose vision in one or the both eyes, or have a blurred vision, or see black spots, flashing light or cob webs, you must get an examination done immediately.
· Check your feet every day. In case you see blisters, sores or scratches or sores; you must check with your doctor. Also if you have pain in your feet or feel coldness that also needs a medical check. Other such symptoms are shiny appearance of the skin, thickened nails, loss of hair on foot or toes, etc.
· Every night before you sleep wash your feet with warm (not hot) water & soap. Then gently pat your dry feet, do not rub. Next use a lotion and so not apply it between the toes. Change the socks & shoes once every day. You must wear soft leather shoes that must provide plenty of room for the toes. You must never go barefoot. That is a must to take care of the diabetics.
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