Thursday, July 30, 2009

Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms Revealed

The only true way to know if you have diabetes is to visit your doctor and have various tests done. There is a couple of what we call pre-symptoms in order to determine if what you are experiencing may or may not be diabetes.

Here is a list of what you should be looking out for if you think you may have diabetes:

• Irritability
• Blurry vision
• Constantly urinating
• Always thirsty
• Always hungry
• Sudden weight loss
• Continued fatigue

Type 1 diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). It’s less common in the US because the most severe cases usually develop within a few days or weeks. With IDDM, the lack of insulin stems from the destruction of beta cells. The symptoms associated with IDDM are very distinct:

Polydipsia : An extreme thirst that is due to frequent urination. The body is signaling for lost fluids to be replaced. Dehydration will occur if the condition is not caught immediately.

Polyuria : Urination that comes frequently and in large doses is a symptom of diabetes. The body rushes fluids through the kidney to dilute the unusually high levels of sugar in the urine.

Polyphagia: This is a feeling of unusual hunger. The body believes it is starving because glucose is not reaching its cells to provide the proper nutrients.

Extreme Weight Loss: There are many Type I diabetes patients that are at or below their ideal body weight. When diabetes begins, they suddenly lose a great deal of weight – as much as 15 or more pounds in a week. Weight loss happens even if the individual has a good diet and is eating correctly. The lack of insulin simply means that calories, in the form of glucose are being sent out through the urine and the body is beginning to burn fat reserves.

Irritability: In young people especially, crankiness, crying, and confusion may warn that diabetes is on the horizon. A child may seem to very inattentive and generally confused about what is going on.

Weakness: Weakness is a symptom because muscle cells are not receiving their usual fuel and energy. Fatigue is a symptom for many illnesses and diseases which is a good reason why diabetes can go unrecognized for a long period of time. You should be concerned if your child becomes restless, tired, or drowsy all of a sudden for no reason. There are many people that report stomach pain, leg pain, chest pain, and having difficulty breathing.

Blurred Vision: Excess glucose can be seeping into the eye, which changes the shape of the lens. The difficult in focusing or changes in eyesight from one day to the next – such as being nearsighted to having normal vision are possible symptoms for diabetes.

Nausea/Vomiting: Nausea and vomiting can happen before ketoacidosis, as poisonous ketone acids build up in the blood and the body must resort to burning fat deposits for energy.

While this list gives you a good indication of Type 1 diabetes symptoms, the only true way to know if you have diabetes is to visit your doctor.


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