Prevention is better than cure. This saying is especially true in the case of diabetes. Diabetes if recognized early can be treated far more easily than if left until later stages. There are some first signs of diabetes that can tell you whether you suffer from this condition disease or not.
The American Diabetes Association has recognized some early signs of diabetes and they are as follows:
One of the major first signs of diabetes is an increased urination frequency. This increase in the urination frequency is caused by the high blood sugar (or glucose) levels in our body. This increased level also raises the amount of blood flowing through the kidneys. This in turn results in more frequent urination.
Usually this increase in urination frequency is ignored as caused by a higher intake of liquids. However this should be treated seriously and it should be reported to a doctor. Apart from an increase in urination, your thirst will also increase. These two things are very much related. This is because such frequent urination can bring the body close to dehydration, which in turn results in a constant feeling of being thirsty.
Feeling hungry all the time could also be one of the early signs of diabetes. This is caused by either the complete absence of insulin in the body or its inability to perform its function properly. The purpose of insulin in our body is to actually transport the glucose from the blood right into the cells. Insulin also carries glucose to the cells which is primary source of cellular energy. The non functional or absent insulin causes a less supply of glucose in the cells. This leads to a feeling of being hungry all the time as the cells have not received any energy.
An unexplained weight loss is yet another early sign of diabetes. This is a very ironic situation as the diabetics usually tend to eat more. However the real reason behind this problem is the shortage of energy in the cells. Because of shortage of energy the body has to cannibalize itself. It starts breaking the muscular mass to produce enough cellular energy. This unexplained weight loss is often coupled with fatigue. This fatigue is caused by significant decrease in cellular energy. The lack of energy and fatigue can result in irritation and depression.
Another prominent sign is eye problems. The problems are usually caused by the increased blood volume from high blood sugar levels. This can cause the lens of the eyes to swell. This causes even more severe eye problems. So you see there are many things you can look out for which could indicate the condition. If any of these first signs of diabetes start to appear, it is time to visit the doctor and get a complete checkup performed. As mentioned earlier, prevention is better than cure.
Diabetes doesn't have to so be difficult to live with. Get all the facts on diabetes you need and make life a little easier.
Reference: facts on diabetes, Gestational Diabetes Diets
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