Friday, October 9, 2009

Diabetes Cure- A Dream Or A Reality?

Pieter De Wet

As the number of diabetes cases steadily grows, those diagnosed and involved in the care of diabetes patients have elected to focus on three options: prevent, cure and provide better care for those afflicted.

Many look to prevent diabetes by organizing programs that educate and bring public awareness to the various aspects of diabetes. By reaching the masses and bringing this awareness, those who heed the value of the message can keep themselves from becoming one of the millions of sufferers.

Stopping complications of diabetes are some of the reasons why so much research is done today all over the world. Even with daily insulin shots, can type 1 diabetes patients still develop complications. Sometimes with good sugar control the process of deterioration continues to go on. The diabetes industry had to try finding alternative ways to curb the problem.

Special groups raise millions of dollars every year to help fund research for a diabetes cure in the hope that soon, loved ones will no longer be ravaged by its complications. Advances in technology continue to help provide better care for those who suffer from the complications of diabetes and make life a happy healthy journey.

Alternative Approaches to Curing Diabetes Also Being Pursued:

•Pancreas cell transplants. Doctors are transplanting islet cells from a donor pancreas to provide a cure for some patients.
•Development of artificial pancreas cells
•Genetic manipulation with fat and/or muscle cells that don’t normally make insulin, yet are able to do so when a human insulin gene is inserted

Each of these approaches presents a unique challenge. Be it preventing the rejection of the procedure by the immune system itself to finding an adequate number of insulin cells and keeping them alive, rest assured that each challenge is being met with progress and great strides are consistently being made in the search for a cure to diabetes.

Although much have been done so far, the challenge of finding a cure for most of the diabetic patients out there is still wide open

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